Episode 19

Published on:

16th May 2024

8:19 Taxi Driver

AI Generated Summary

In this conversation, the hosts discuss their upcoming trip and their plans for surfing lessons. They then dive into a recap of the Supernatural episode 'Taxi Driver' and discuss the torture scene involving a demon. They also explore the concept of psycho-pomps, which are beings that guide souls to the afterlife, and discuss various examples from different mythologies. The hosts express their dislike for the term 'coyotes' used to describe rogue reapers and question the morality of torturing demons. In this episode, Sam and Dean continue their quest to complete the trials. Sam is sent to purgatory to rescue Bobby's soul, while Dean stays on Earth to protect Kevin and the tablet. They face challenges and make sacrifices along the way, including the death of Benny, a vampire ally. Meanwhile, Crowley manipulates Kevin and reveals his true intentions. The episode explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the consequences of making deals with demons.


surfing, trip, Supernatural, episode recap, torture, demon, psycho-pomps, mythologies, rogue reapers, Supernatural, trials, purgatory, sacrifice, loyalty, demons




Recap of Supernatural Episode 'Taxi Driver'


Exploring the Concept of Psycho-Pomps


Disliking the Term 'Coyotes' for Rogue Reapers


The Trials Continue


Benny's Sacrifice


Crowley's True Intentions


Exploring Themes of Sacrifice and Loyalty

Research Links

Bitch (:

I can do.

It's too late. There's no turning back. This is forever. It's live.

Jerk (:

I'm burping.

Jerk (:

Welcome to this week's episode of Devil's Trap Podcast. I'm Diana.

Bitch (:

I'm Liz, I almost said I'm Diana.

Jerk (:

We're going to talk about season eight, episode 19 taxi driver. But first, how are you today? Yeah. Yeah. Talking to you.

Bitch (:

Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me?

It's a taxi driver joke. It's like I was in a

Jerk (:

Talking to me? I know, I know.

Which I've only seen that once.

Bitch (:

Okay, so I mean, honestly, I'm just proud that you've seen it at all. So given the oeuvre of things that you have not seen, I am very happy that you have seen the using taxi driver, but I was in a public restroom yesterday and

I was washing my hands and the woman next to me was like, okay, what's the secret? And it kind of took me a moment and then she was like to get the water to go and I was like, you know, you just have to prove, you know, your existence by running your hands in front of it is kind of an existential experiment. And then she just kind of looked at me and then washed her hands and walked away. I thought I was hilarious.

Jerk (:

That's amazing. I would have been so amused. I'd be like, fuck.

Bitch (:

Am I real? Like that's really like every time like I find myself yelling especially in like airports like those are the ones are the worst and I'm like I exist I am here recognize me

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

that's hilarious. Yeah. Yeah.

Bitch (:

So speaking of airports, are you ready? Alley.

Jerk (:

Olay. Sure. I'm pretty excited. Actually, we're, you know, it's like every every once in a while, like we're only going to be gone for that long. I kind of want to push it out of the day. But at the same time, I think we're going to have some good like explore a new city and go. We're taking surf lessons.

Bitch (:

That's going to be hilarious. Middle -aged people on surfboards. So have you just tried it home to see if you could do it?

Jerk (:

No, I don't know if I can do this shit. I've never tried. But Dave, but babe grew up surfing. No, no, no. If I try that now, my knees won't be able to do it in a couple of days. So I gotta wait. I gotta save my knees for them. Babe grew up surfing. So like, like he spent a lot of like his youth, like teens and 20s surfing a ton. So he hasn't gone in a long time. He has high expectations. But we'll see. I mean, if it might I feel like I paid for my lesson for we've got a

Bitch (:

Okay, but I mean like the jumping up and the jumping up. Do you think? God. Okay. Yeah.


Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Like a semi private lesson for the two of us. I feel like if I get frustrated and decide I don't like this or I'm tired, I can say, you know what? No harm, no foul. This ain't for me. I'm going to go have a beer on the beach and it'll be okay because I'm bringing a book. I will be set.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I think this is the first time my friend is I think he's finally gotten it like my buddy who I'm going to Mexico with we have been to I need to go back and count how many countries we've been together. It's like seven or something. But and we've been to Mexico a few times. But I think when we were younger, I think maybe it's because he's finally like hit 40. It was always like

Jerk (:

That's a lot. Yeah.

Bitch (:

We've got to do like do things, right? We've got to go on the excursion. You've got to la da da da. And so with this thing that we're going on, there was a choice of like, I guess that they're they're including in their their package, which is you could either choose a snorkel to like a snorkel thing. I think you can go climb ruins or something or.

Jerk (:

Right. All the activities.

Bitch (:

Or you can get a massage and a facial and he was like, do you just want to get a facial? And I was like, yeah, yeah, I do. That's exactly what I just want to do. I don't want to go out and like, but I do kind of like, and I probably will go out on my own. Like, but I also know anything like. We may be a little, I don't want us to use the word elite or snobbish, but particular.

Jerk (:

Yeah, yes I do. It's amazing. I like that.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, particular.

Bitch (:

I am particular about what excursions I go out, who I go with. I don't like going on the overpriced ones. Like, and I don't want to end up with a bunch of like families and their fucking kids. So I would much rather like get there and pick out my own thing or just like go wander off and like, but it's like, this is like one of those like you remember like when we did your, your wedding, like,

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Mm -hmm.

Bitch (:

the you know the what do they call it the river maya thing you know you've got to like go down and like see really the area we're going to be at i don't think you can even like leave or explore really like and so i think it's just going to be a lying on the beach type thing which is probably probably a good idea yeah

Jerk (:

Right. Yeah.

Jerk (:

probably good for you. Yeah, I feel like we there's a couple activities I kind of want to do. I'm also concerned that I'm either gonna be very tired from attempting to surf, or we're gonna love it so much. We'll want to go do it again the next day. And or we can just hang out at the beach and I don't care.

Bitch (:

maybe you'll be like skipper right and you're just gonna like or gidget and you're just gonna take to it you had to make sure you have a good bikini and hair when you do it at least so and sunglasses so at least you get cute pictures of uniser for it.

Jerk (:

I don't I don't think any of those things are going to happen, but either way, I'm going to be at a beach that people seem to really like. And it's funny that we're going to be on the opposite sides of Mexico at the same time. But but it is. We're like, well, wait, wait, you just plan. shit. So did I. wait. When? What days? Well, but, you know, I'm excited.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:


Bitch (:

It should be fun. I'm not excited about sitting in airplanes, but...

Jerk (:

That part doesn't bother me so much. I'm more just like, except I booked a very early morning flight on the way there and I'm mad at myself.

Bitch (:

Well, everything, like my hips are... Yeah, no, I mean, like just sitting in general like sucks and my hips really hurt right now and like...

Jerk (:

Yeah, that's not fun.

Bitch (:

All parts of me are like, are kind of sore. I mean, it's not like, you know, we're in coach or anything. But I do have like this new like seat cushion I got. I was like, man, they'll just bring it with me. So don't my fancy. It's like, but it also feels like a booster seat. So I put it in my car and it was like, I can see over the steering wheel.

Jerk (:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Bitch (:

Alright, are you ready to talk about Taxi Driver? So this was season 8 episode 19. It first aired April 3rd 2013 and was directed by Guy Norman B and written by Russ Liming and Buggner. I do like those two when they're together. So it's a very intense episode that I tried to warn Diana about. I was like we could do this in the second one in a week, but it's a lot.

Jerk (:

that's nice. Sure.

Jerk (:

I don't feel like I was sufficiently warned, but I'm going to let that slide because I don't, maybe I wasn't hearing and that's okay. Sometimes that happens. yeah.

Bitch (:

That's okay. Yeah, so we start with a recap of Benny wanting to ride Dean.

Jerk (:

We have our recap where we've got Naomi again. We've got Benny and Purgatory specifically and Kevin translating the trials. Those are our things. And that's really a really good key and guide to this episode, I'd say. So they did well done. I was like, shit, shit, shit. But yeah, so this episode opens with Kevin sleeping and he's got Crowley's voice in his head calling him out.

threatening him and talking about how like next time it won't just be a finger and Kevin's like standing there and his limbs start falling off and he starts bleeding profusely from their stumps. It's very distressing.

Bitch (:

Yeah, that is very upsetting. It was it was it was very, very upsetting. And yeah, and within like Dean and Sam show up in his daytime. So we're just done with that now.

Jerk (:

Yeah, it's the next day, surprise. So are we gonna find Kevin with his limbs cut off or no, no, he's there. He has a frying pan as a weapon.

Bitch (:

Unfortunately, it's not the New Dolly Parton cast iron frying pan, which is quite attractive, it's a little butterfly in it.

Jerk (:

It's not. It's not.

Jerk (:

It is not the Dolly Parton one. It is just a classic cast iron pan and tells them that Crowley is in his head. And Dean's like, no, man, it's just a dream. And Sam's like, where's Garth? And I think it was weird.

Bitch (:

Also, I feel it's weird that they just minimize his things because I'm like, you guys have been around long enough that how do you know? He could really have been doing this, right? I would just dismiss him and be like, you're tired.

Jerk (:

He might be in his head. He might be in his head.

Jerk (:


It was pretty dismissive. I think the other thing that I thought was real weird. So they were very dismissive. Now, I do will say we do have seen how on edge and like Kevin ain't sleeping or eating right. So we know he's like probably not. He's not doing well emotionally or mentally right now. So I think that probably played into why they played it down, but it's still bizarre. And then it was even weirder. I thought when Sam asked where Garth is and he's like, I don't know. I haven't seen him in a while. Like he's on a job or something and like.

who was very they were really weird about like Garth just like a band they made it sound like Garth abandoned Kevin and that doesn't sound garthy.

Bitch (:

we had something to do and told Kevin and Kevin just was like okay and like heard him but didn't hear him yeah so they all but they think he's overreacting but he did do something so there's a reason he called them

Jerk (:

He heard him, but he didn't listen.

Jerk (:

Yay! Yeah, he's got the second trial translated. No big. Just have to get an innocent soul, rescue it from hell, and deliver it unto heaven.

That's all, no big.

Bitch (:

Yeah, it seems pretty easy. And so they just need an expert to figure out how to move between heaven and hell.

Jerk (:

Yeah, so they call it so they go call it Crossroads Demon like you do.

Bitch (:

So question, men of letters motherfuckers, like you've got a bunker, like I am pretty sure somewhere in that bunker, I've got you their instructions on how to do this. And I think like, I mean, granted this is maybe it's quicker just to do this, just to summon the demon and torture it, but it seems messier.

Jerk (:

I guess it does. I mean, so they've got this bald, bald black demon shows up and Dean's first question is what happened to the hot chicks? Which is kind of funny. so.

Bitch (:

It is really funny when you think about how the Crossroads demons appear, right? And who they come to. But now, as we had this dude, he's cool. I kind of like him.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, he is. And basically they demon trap him and then they take him for torture.

Bitch (:

A large demon trap. Like that was excessively large. Like why did you make like I guess you didn't know where he was gonna land.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I think that's why. They just needed like a broad coverage just in case. And they torture him by tying him to a chair and slowly pouring holy water on his head. It just seems really mean.

Bitch (:

I'm pretty sure it violates the Geneva Convention.

Jerk (:

Does the Geodetic Convention apply to demons? Question of the day.

Bitch (:

That is a thing that we will take up later at our next World Leader meeting, our next summit.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

or just otherworldly creatures in general. I'll just say that. Anyway, so but they're torturing him and he's basically saying they want to know how to get into hell uninvited. And he's just saying it's secret, it's forbidden. They're going to fucking kill me. I can't tell you. And then finally, he says, fine, you know, for a price, you can be smuggled in by a rogue reaper.

because there's secret ways in and out. And Sam's.

Bitch (:


And he says that the you know, so they're like hell's coyotes, right? And they're not what they are are psycho pumps. And it is time for a psycho pump freak out. Psycho pump freak out. So Dave can make his make a song here for psycho pump freak out, I think, which is hilarious. Earlier, Diana was talking about a band who has a song called Psycho Billy Freak Out.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

second half freak out.

Jerk (:

really freak out. So are we doing lore?

Bitch (:

Yeah, so we are doing lore and because psycho pumps is my I love a psycho pump because it's a fun thing to say and it's just this you know the simulation of psych abilities popping up everywhere right now. So we are going to talk about the 15 most famous psycho pumps from pantheons across the world. There's a lot of peas that are popping and I hope those are all over my mic.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

So this is from World History EDU mostly and then I kind of peppered in things, but they're the ones who came up with the list. So I did not choose these and these are not in order of their importance as psychopomps. So the first one is Anubis and we all remember him from ancient Egypt, usually depicted as the man with the head of a black jackal or a full black jackal and then Jensen jackals.

Jerk (:

Jints and jackals.

Bitch (:

I would like to have some jackals to happen. Thank you. Also, I did not realize how cute jackals were until today. And I was looking this up and looking at all the vases and they had like this really cute like jackal standing over a bench. So it was like, I have to buy this. But that jackal, they had this really great jackal tail. And that tail is everywhere. Like all over that stuff. So Egyptians like tails. And one of...

Jerk (:

Mm -hmm.

Jerk (:

Egyptians like tail.

Bitch (:

They did. And that's, I'm just sticking to that. That is my, my, my wisdom for the day. So one of his many roles was, you know, basically, you know, taking dad to the realm of the dead.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

and in depicted in the book of the dead he weighs the decedent's heart against the weight of a feather and i know you're like hey didn't you say osiris did that a few episodes ago and i did but the duties of anubis shifted to osiris and some of the mythology because it was thousands years ago and i didn't write it so don't don't come at me

Jerk (:

Okay. Hey, that's a lot of work for one person. Maybe they need some help.

Bitch (:

Right, right. So, and it was just like a political showdown at work, which apparently is just the theme of the world now. So.

He was a god of mummification and often associated with the process of embalming. Fun fact from mythopedia, in ancient Greece, the phrase by the dog was used to refer to Anubis and was invoked as a means of guaranteeing the truth of a statement. So like how you would say, I swear by mother's grave or I swear to God, you would say by the dog, by the dog. I, I.

Jerk (:

Right, by the dog. By the dog, I need to start saying that. By the dogs, can I pluralize it?

Bitch (:

Yes, there's I just think with the psycho palms. There's also some fun dog related things. So we'll have some more come later. But yeah, so by the dog is our new thing. So number two psycho pomp is Sharon. And that's the ancient Greek one who is the fairy man of the underworld. Usually kind of depicted as like this, like skeletal and kind of old, like sad dude. And this is the one that in Greece it was customary. You would put a coin on the mouth or.

his payment to Charon because he needed like coins or whatever and if he didn't pay the fare or you had to like wander the shores of the river for a while because money it's weird right

Jerk (:

payment. Yeah.

Bitch (:

He's also the first mythological deity that Dante encountered, which is fitting because his episode, Sam, basically is doing Dante Divine Comedy stuff. So this idea of the fairy man and like what's happening here, we're going to start seeing kind of that theme go through. And I just think that is also interesting.

Other interesting thing I learned today. So number three is Valkyries, right? And so we've talked about Valkyries before and their primary duty is to select those who die in battle and the only those who may live and they take the souls of the fallen warriors to the afterlife and you know, we all know they're like super strong warrior ladies and they fly horses and all that other stuff, but this is some bullshit I learned so and maybe I learned it I just forgot before but

The Valkyries serve me to the warriors in Valhalla and keep their cups full. So they're basically the waitresses of Valhalla or because they're flying them there and their horses, they're like flight attendants. Like these are like, Valkyries are basically flight attendants. Yeah, and I was just like, that's some bullshit, man. Like, why are you making these bitches like, that's not, the warriors should be filling up your cup. You took them to Valhalla.

Jerk (:

Valkyries, the flight attendants of the afterlife.

Bitch (:

lazy ass men like god anyway so they're also seen as protective spirits sometimes so i just learned that today that made me mad all right number three shinigami and these are from the japanese folklore

They are deaf spirits or gods and there are a lot of anime stuff and the word is a composite of the word kami or god and she which means death and so they are the equivalent they say they're like the grim reaper in western culture but they're not.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

They're sometimes depicted as small and childlike, sometimes they're tall, scalable to women, they often have black kimonos and have long white hair. And they did not appear in Japanese folklore until the 18th or 19th centuries. And that was around when Western culture started influencing things and mixing with the Brutus medailles and the Shinto beliefs. So kind of interesting how that's why, and then I guess closer to the Grim Reaper was a part of Western culture. So maybe...

Jerk (:

So well.

Jerk (:

Right. Okay.

Bitch (:

Maybe that's why. But they often appear to individuals to foretell deaths, or sometimes they're the force that causes them. And usually if there's a someone dies in a Rube Goldberg type accident way in a really funny way, it's like that was a shitty gun. So.

My number four was Banshees. We talked about them. But did you know that in some Irish mythology, she only watched like the main Irish families like the O 'Neill's, the O 'Connell's, the O 'Brien's, the O 'Grady's and the Kavanagh's? And there's just some alias bullshit too. Like I'm just learning all this like weird bullshit about the, you know, these psycho pups, but.

Jerk (:


fucking elitist ass psycho pumps.

Bitch (:

Who knew? Who knew there was so much of that in here? But yeah, so unless you're like you're one of like, if you're not an O 'Neill, like you're fucked, like you're just not gonna get the man shade. Number five, I love this name. Ma -na -na -na, mac -lear. So ma -na -na -na, mac -lear, it's Celtic. Ma -na -na -na, it's the...

Jerk (:

That's just rude.

Jerk (:

That's gonna be in all of our heads. Thank you for that.

Bitch (:

Yep. So it often is what Mclare means, son of the sea, often referred to as a Lord of the sea and a sea god. And, you know, he's a guardian of the other world. He does own a cloak that can make him invisible. A helmet made of flames called helmet of invisibility, but it's made of flames. So I don't really understand that. But also a sword that never miss maybe visible flames and also a sword that never misses its target.

Jerk (:

How can it be? Invisible flames?

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

Yeah, yeah. All right. Number six was Hermes and we talked about him before. He's just not that interesting. Sorry. Number eight and I am almost like recorded sound bites because we all know how bad I am with Aztec and Mayan gods. Shallot. I think I said it. I think I said it right. OK, but it also like they say it a bunch of different ways on YouTube. So.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

He is from Aztec mythology and associated with death and rebirth and is a puppy and he is often depicted as a dog with ragged ears. His two spirit forms are the sholo dog, the Mexican hairless dog. So he appears as one of my favorite puppers and also as a water salamander spirit axolotl. And I know I said both of those horribly and I'm sorry, but.

Jerk (:

Yay, I love them. I want one.

Bitch (:

Sorry. All right. So by also this fun fact. So in order to, there's a few under different underworlds and asset mythology, but the main one Michelin.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

to basically just simplified the main underworld, right? So to get there, you have to go through a bunch of trials and you have to go, one of them, you have to cross the land of dogs and there is a river. And so, and there's a couple of different things that happen. So if you're one of the things in mythology is if you're nice to dogs, you get to cross this river. But if you're mean to dogs in your life, you can't. So be nice to dogs.

Jerk (:

I'm excited.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

Or it was other one that's really, really touching is that your dog from your life will be waiting for you at the river so you don't have to cross by yourself.

Jerk (:

Well that's... heart wrenching.

Bitch (:

This gets less endearing when dogs are sacrificed in order to wait there for them. So people, so don't do that. Like, but it's really sweet to think about like your past puppers are all there to be your friends as like you're going to like, hi, like I like, I want all like my fur babies to like do waiting for me. That'd be so great. that'd be nice.

Jerk (:

be in there waiting for you. I like that. Hey, we're waiting for you. Be waiting for you.

Ed. Aww.

Bitch (:

All right, so the next one is a Chulachaki. And I love this one. It's an Amazonian myth, a renowned figure in lore from various indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforest, especially in Peru, often depicted as a small dwarf -like being with one normal foot and one that's either deformed or resembling the hoof of some animal or a deer. And I just always think those are adorable. They say, like, they thought it was chilling. I think it's funny.

But one of their greatest abilities is a shape shift, right? So but they will often assume the appearance of a loved one or familiar person to lure to lure someone out to the woods And like the day we like we like it in the room like I'm coming Dave, but it's too chucky and That's the day with you. yeah, then the reveal is for I just leave you the woods

Jerk (:

No, that's awful. That's terrible.

Bitch (:

So number nine or ten my numbers are off of hey baby

and that is Chinese mythology. And there are two parts of it. There's black impermanence and white impermanence. There are a pair of deities and Chinese folklore and Taoist mythology and their invoice in the underworld. So they escort spirits of the dead. Right. So black impermanence is typically depicted as tall and dark with two large white eyes. He's often seen carrying a tall flag that helps guide the souls. And so it's like, you know, when you meet up with those guide, those guides in like Italy, like, I want to go to

go see like the Sistine Chapel and you go meet the tour flag. So that is that is follow me or go into the underworld. See my little flag, right? But the opposite the other one is white and permanence. And they are shorter pale and typically wear a white robe and they have a fan to communicate with the souls. So that what I'm kind of picturing like that. So snaps it and they're like follow me bitch.

Jerk (:

The tour flag.

Follow me, guys!

Can you see my yellow flag?

Jerk (:

Yeah. Yeah. Snap it open.

Bitch (:

Ta -da! And so he's also associated with those who died unexpectedly or by accident. All right, next one. Firo, which is spelled W -H -I -R -O. And I learned that the pronunciation of this was with an F, but they're from Maori mythology.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

And they're basically called the Lucifer of Maori mythology, lord of darkness and embodiment of all evil, so say with underworld and death, embodiment of malevolent forces and opposition to the positive element of the cosmological framework. So, but I mean, yeah, you seem so kind of as a normal.

Yama is our next one and they're from Hindu mythology and a Hinduism Yama is typically blue scanned for arms and seated on his Vahana the buffalo and it's two hands he's got a mace and he's got a lasso slash noose and the noose is symbolic of his ability to draw a person's soul from their body at their time of death. He's one of the ancient Vedic gods and was in the Rig Veda, one of the oldest of the Vedas.

primary responsibility is one of those ways the virtues and sins like you know we've seen somebody do this one in Omokai I think it's how I say that they're from an Ashanti religion and they are a

Okay, so the first point is a woman. She is the first point of contact for deceased women as a transition from the world of living Acting as a gatekeeper. She ensures that the souls of women enter as a mando which is their underworld smoothly, but the entry is not free

is customary for shanty women to be buried adorned with a type of line cloth and also jewelry. And so there's they're honoring them symbolically and like representing the social standing. But they are the payment to her securing her passage into the afterlife, which I always think is kind of shitty. And it's like, it's like, and these are like a VIP line. Like, when do I get extra like, it just seems kind of self -sufficient. Right? Like, I don't know.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, that's shady as fuck.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

All right.

So our next one, Asriel, and that's in most of the Abrahamic religions, mostly Islam and some Christianity. In Islam, Asriel is the archangel responsible for taking the souls deceased away from the body. Asriel is not described in the Quran, but in various Hadiths and Islamic writings. And he is portrayed as having a vast number of eyes and wings reflecting his omnipresent nature.

Jerk (:

That's like all like the old angel drawings, right? They're real crazy. We look at them with a bunch of eyes and wings.

Bitch (:

He's not

Yeah, they're all really crazy. Yeah. And he's not commonly recognized in mainstream Christian religions, but there has been like an angel of death on the show. Like that's a concept that exists and is always said to be writing and erasing the names of men at birth and death, like in the big book, right? So that's in the big book.

In some Jewish traditions, Azrael is seen as a benevolent angel of death and acts on God's behalf to bring souls to life after life, but there's nothing that gets sense of. All right, and our last one, I'm gonna pronounce it wrong because it's French. So, or Haitian Creole, depending. So, Gede or Gede, or yeah, so it's from Haitian Voodoo or Voodoo, but I think it's Voodoo. So it's...

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

So the G'day are basically part of the Loa and so they are the spirits that are intimately linked with death, the afterlife and fertility. So they oversee, you know, all of that and your ancestor worship.

They're known for their wisdom. They hold the knowledge of the dead and the ancestral memory. They're often in ceremonies and rituals or healing and protection to communicate with the ancestors. Baron Samadhi is, Ursamadhi is the most famous of these and serves as their leader. And he stands at the crossroads and you know, he's got the cool top hat and tuxedo glasses and all this stuff. But also highly encourage you to go put a good day or get a.

Jerk (:



Bitch (:

I'm sorry, I suck, but you know, a G -H -E -D -E or G -E -D -E depending on, like, either of those would get you there, but put that in Voodoo or Voodoo into YouTube and there's some really amazing stuff on there, some really cool videos of people dancing and, you know, just talking and communicating with Aloha and chanting them, like, it's just such a cool religion.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

suffer you sorry also my cat decided this is a time just to strike with her claws she also wants to be a psycho pump

Jerk (:

There we go.

She does, she does. Psycho pump freak out. All right, well, now we know that our rogue reapers are psycho pumps, not coyotes, basically, basically.

Bitch (:

so I was a psycho -pon -

Bitch (:

Yeah, and like, I just also for some reason, like I know it's I just kind of hate that term or I think maybe just because I associated so negatively right now. Like generally, generally like most most Coyotes, also like if you watch John Mulaney's special on Netflix, he's the whole thing about coyotes in LA. I encourage you to watch that. That was hilarious. So let's go on. So but we go and find out these kind of stuff. Yeah.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, no, it is. There's definitely a negative connotation currently.

Jerk (:

No, I should. So. Yeah, so now Sam and Dean want to find a rogue reaper and also this demons like, hey, you got to kill me now because I will be killed. It'll be worse than death for me to go back to Crowley. They're like, cool, we're just going to get more info out of you first. They're going to torture him more. It's really gross anyways. And then that we cut from that scene. So Sam and. Yeah, they just justify it when it's demon or something. It's just really weird. So Sam and Dean.

Bitch (:

Yeah, they're moral compasses sometimes.

Bitch (:

But it's... ehh... ehh... it's okay. It's still... I mean, obviously it's a person, but I mean, it's still something with, you know, pain receptors.

Jerk (:

Is that human bodies? A meat suit?

Jerk (:

consciousness. I don't know. Yeah. So they go end up on the street in a city and it's a rainy and they park across from a taxi and they approach the driver who's standing outside of his car. His name is Ajay and they want to do business with him and he's like, wait, y 'all are mortals and you want to go to hell. This is gonna be freaking pricey, but whatever. Here's my price. One day you owe me a favor and my immediate response was that's never, never good.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

But either way, he apparently is the same. He shares with them that he is also the same reaper that took Bobby to hell. And what? Why is Bobby in hell? What the fuck?

Bitch (:

Wait, what? Exactly. Like how do we not know this? And they burned his bones. Like how is this happening?

Jerk (:

So he should not be in hell. They are very upset. And he says basically that, you know, it depends on who you know and whose palms are greased, but the king of hell put you on the no fly list. You end up in hell.

Bitch (:

See you like flight attendants.

Jerk (:

So either way Dean's like fuck this I need the price for two of us down and three tickets back up and Sam's kind of like voice racing he's like no wait a minute I'm the one that has to do the trials. You're gonna fucking stay here.

Bitch (:

I don't understand this one. I mean, I granted like he was running things on the top side and it was very good that he was there, but like there's no reason why you wouldn't want backup when you're going to fucking hell.

Jerk (:

Yes and no, I kind of I think Sam also needed to prove himself and also it's bigger risk for both of them to be down there. So I think it kind of made sense. But I also see what you're saying, because usually when they split up, it's bad news bears.

Bitch (:

I get yeah I know I and backup is good but also the I'll be fine and he pulls open his jacket to show the demon knife I'm like what like it's just a knife Sam like I don't okay

Jerk (:

So Dean Dean finally backs off, but he doesn't like it. And anyway, so AJ is like, hey, this is going to be 24 hours and you'll be back. So he takes Sam down this alley and they, there's some creeper like watching them and watching Dean leave. It's just as some creeper at the edge. And I'm like, that's not good, but it is so, so Sam and AJ observed some, lovely street art and graffiti and hold hands while they walked out.

Bitch (:

Sally, Sally, Sally, holding down the alley.

Bitch (:

But the alley is so good.

Jerk (:

Which is like, this is very cute moment. Look at them holding hands, walking down the alley, looking at street art. And then the walls start shaking and there's a door painted on a wall and it glows and. Then they go through it and there's it's the subdued colors of purgatory. That's weird. It is fucking purgatory because. AJ is like, yeah, it's hella Jason. Here's your directions.

Bitch (:

It's very romantic.

Bitch (:

Yeah, but Sam's like, I booked the hell tour, which now that I'm really thinking about the, you know, the psycho pumps with their little flags, like, I booked this trip on viator, you're supposed to take me to hell, like nowhere on nowhere on this tour guide on the itinerary did it said you were dropping off in purgatory, I looked, it said six hours expected, and then I should bring a demon killing knife.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Not adjacent.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Well, he says, here's your directions to the portal by stream. And I'm not going with you, but I'll be back right here in 24 hours and you better be here. So he poofs out. So Sam's got his knife and he's going to wander on the instructions. In the meantime, Dean goes back to Kevin, the boat to see Kevin, and he's got food, including burgers. Kevin is hiding the fuck out. He is very freaked. He is convinced that

Crowley knows where he is, but does come out to get a burger. And then he takes fries. And then he takes Dean's pie. While they have this conversation. Hmm. Trying.

Bitch (:

They don't have a conversation, Dean's giving him a pep talk, and it's not a good one. It is a you suck it up and you push it through because that's what we do. Like, that's not always the best thing to tell somebody.

Jerk (:

Well, the one thing I'll say that I feel like Dean was very honest about is like, he's like, I'm ready. Kevin's like, I want to know when this ends. And Dean says it doesn't. It doesn't like this doesn't end. And so I think that's I think Kevin needs to hear that.

Bitch (:

No, Kevin doesn't need to hear that because when you're having a breakdown and hearing that it doesn't end, it's not helpful. It's just not helpful to hear, but it's not going to stop. And also sometimes when you're just really low on gas and I will give the equivalent of today while I was in yoga and I was trying to do one more God day, I could not do one more vinyasa because I have no energy and I have no more gas to push through the pain of my stupid 46 year old shoulders that are like,

I don't want to anymore this hurts there's nothing left here stop it like you know like someone telling me to suck it up and push it through like that's not what I needed to hear and this is what Kevin needs to hear Kevin is broken he is hearing Crowley he needs some support not to be able to shut up and do his job

Jerk (:

saying that it was a good pep talk. I just don't think that Dean should have lied. I'm glad Dean didn't lie to him about that.

Bitch (:

I think it is a radical acceptance that Kevin has to make that he is now a mythological being. But he also should know that he's a friend of the Winchester, so he's just not going to live that long.

Jerk (:

And Dean is not the one to go to for emotional support.

Bitch (:

Fair, fair. He's the one that you go to for burgers and pie.

Jerk (:

Yes. So AJ is back in his cab in the alley and now he's going to sit and wait for time to go get Sam, apparently, which seems like a terrible waste of time and resources from just sit there, but whatever. Either way, Crowley is there and that's not good. He wants an update and if wants to know if AJ has anything to say to him. And basically Crowley already knows that AJ made a deal with Sam because somebody, he had an.

That's that creeper in the hall. I saw it

Bitch (:

Yes, but he's so sexy when he's asking just like I know you're dealing with the Winchesters In your taxi, you're freelancing around I don't know what happened to that cat. I'm sorry. I went to a different cab

Jerk (:


Well, I don't know. Either way, Crowley is like, yeah, you don't get to freelance with the Winchesters. And but he's really also really surprised that Sam wanted to go to hell. And all they know and they all they know is that he'll be back in 17 hours and then Crowley kills AJ.

Bitch (:

I just kind of bummer. I really liked him. I actually think he was a, he was a cool character. He's very game and ask like if I felt like a game and ask character, like I can see him in like good omens, like just that type of, I don't know. He was, I think he would have been like, I just, damn it. Y 'all should have kept him.

Jerk (:

I did too. It's interesting.

Jerk (:

Yeah, I agree.

Jerk (:

I agree. So Sam is creeping through purgatory and he gets attacked. He beheads them and he gets another weapon. That's good. And then he finds the portal and somehow he manages to move this giant fucking boulder by himself to clear the way to this portal that then sucks him in.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and then it's really in the district, but also before he does that, he puts a knife on the ground. Why? I mean, like, it was just a weird move. I don't know. I mean, I guess he had his other knife, but you don't put things down in Purgatory.

Jerk (:

choice but

Jerk (:

And then he gets sucked into hell and he's wandering through this dungeon of hell and there's moans and screams and he's got there's people being tortured. There's a skinned woman. There's a guy with a giant ring in his fucking face. There's a creepy girl who says she's been praying forever and

Bitch (:

It's hell, you know. You know, it's a very inferno version of hell too, you know, but then he just very easily fights Bobby. So he just like, I just wandered into hell through his hole and out of the billions of souls there was there's fucking Bobby Singer.

Jerk (:

Finds finds Bobby. So easy. So easy.

Jerk (:

I took one turn and there he was. Right there. And he looks kind of like shit, but I was, but I was also concerned because I never trust anything on this show. And then, and then Bobby punches Sam in the face immediately and says, get out of here, you black hide son of a bitch.

Bitch (:

But also, but were you happy to see Bobby?

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

It was such a curse on here and they need to be really careful with it. So he punches him and Sam is just like, no, it's me. I know about Tori's spelling and your love of pedicures. But wouldn't the demons know that too?

Jerk (:

That's what I wondered. I was very confused about that, too. But Bobby's convinced he said, but this is the 200th Sam that Bobby has seen today. It's an endless stream of Sam and Dean's with black eyes. that's right.

Bitch (:

It's so rude. It's yeah. So Sam gives him the demon knife and they're gonna

Jerk (:

They're going to get out. But he hasn't really told him what's going on. He just says, I'm here to get you. So back at Crowley's office now, there is a woman demon with him and he Crowley is upset about the situation. There is something urgent going on. His hell hound has been killed. A Winchester jumbo size, as he calls him, has broken into hell. And the prophet is madly translating what the fuck is going on.

where I want Kevin's half of the tablet, because apparently it's the one of value. Find it now.

Bitch (:

Look, this is what happens when you treat all your workers like shit and you kill them and then you get stuck with a temp and the camp can't do her job because that's not what she was meant to do. This is all on you, upper management. Sorry. You know, your workers are only a reflection of yourself, Crowley.

Jerk (:

Well, back on the boat, Dean's making breakfast and he calls for Kevin and Kevin enters, but from the front door, not from his bedroom. And he's like, yeah, I'm, I've been scared as shit. I made a preemptive mood. So I temporarily hid slash got rid of the tablet. And I'm not going to tell you where. Ruh roh. And he locks himself in the closet.

And who appears but our favorite angel bitch? Nahome. And she's trying to be so cute about like teenagers.

Bitch (:

It's not, it's not homie. Why is no homie back? No, my God, you're such a bitch. And then why are you so lying so much? You just lies so much.

Jerk (:

Yeah, and she's talking about how like, yeah, you know, I, I was just so worried about, you know, how much purgatory changed Castiel. And I know you're worried about him too. And we just, he's just out there on his own. We got to find him. But you know, I'm the one that, that saved him. Remember? I'm just so shocked at how damaged he really was. And he's like, yeah, you also told him to fucking kill me. And she's like,

I could see how he maybe misconstrued that. Yeah. Ugh, such a bitch. Yeah. And, yeah.

Bitch (:

no! And that's just how it looked! No, I mean... He just...he took it too far! Too far! You know, it's just... You knew how Cas gets!

Jerk (:

Awful. But luckily Dean just straight up tells her, I don't trust angels. And she's like, but not enough that you didn't ward against them here because you really hoped, which that's true.

Bitch (:

Which is a thing, right? Why didn't you ward against angels? Only for Cass is the only reason I could think of, but I would have warded against angels. Like, I think it's stupid that you didn't.

Jerk (:

Yep, it is. That's what she said. Yeah, I agree. And she's like, we're on the same side. We both want to shut the gates of hell and bring Castiel back. And then she's like, by the way, did you know that Ajay's way to hell is through purgatory? She thought you'd want to know that. Bye.

Bitch (:

The fuck we are?

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Why? Hell what?

Jerk (:

Yes. So they're trying to get out. They team up, kill a couple of demons. And then there's a fake Sam demon that tries to trick Bobby and Bobby gets real bold and just like stabs the fuck out of one of the Sams and Sam's like, did you knew it was me? And he's like, took a chance. That was okay, Bobby. All right.

Bitch (:

Bold, Bobby, bold. All right, is it gonna be about to earth?

Jerk (:

and Dean finds Ajay dead in the taxi. So this is not good. Luckily though, Sam and Bobby have made it to purgatory. Though Bobby's reaction to this is balls. Balls. So who does Dean call back on earth?

Bitch (:


Bitch (:


Jerk (:

His purgatory buddy, he calls Benny.

Bitch (:

called spinning and they have the world's most awkward ketchup.

Jerk (:

They do, which is not a catch up at all. But basically, Benny's getting by, but he ain't happy at all. He's just happy to hear from Dean. Basically, though, Dean's asking Benny a favor. And you don't know exactly what it is, but you know it has something to do with Benny going to purgatory. So. Back in purgatory, Sam is explaining to Bobby what the what's going on with the trials and Bobby's like, well, I can help. That'd be great. I don't want to be retired and sit on the sidelines.

And he's like, well, your soul's got to go to have them and your bones have been burned. So we really can't like, you can't really stay on earth. Sorry. So he's.

Bitch (:

And we're missing a psycho pump.

Jerk (:

Yeah, so Bobby's like, well, shit, I, you know, I don't really want to sit in a rocking chair all day, but whatever.

Bitch (:

it's just really like I don't like how Sam like there maybe just the Winchester just being dismissive like in this episode they're just like all too dismissive but but I know they're so focused on that but like this is what like clearly Bobby is not happy like you should at least acknowledge that your father figure like is sad that he's gonna go like sit around in heaven

Jerk (:

Well, they're just focused on the fucking trials.

Jerk (:

Hold on that you can I don't know if I at that point I'm thinking he just busted him out of fucking hell and you want me to be sad that he's gonna have to go sit in heaven. I don't know about that.

Bitch (:

Well, I mean, he was he doesn't want to say goodbye to him again is what it comes down to. It was like he doesn't want to be sad and he gets me like, I want to be part of the gang. I want to be in this. I don't want to be separated from you is really what it is. And so like we just say I'm just like dismissive of it, right? Just go.

Jerk (:

no, that part is... I get that.

Jerk (:

Yeah, well, they get back to the meeting point and Ajay's not there. So they've got to process that. In the meantime, Benny, wherever he was, was apparently not far from Dean because he's already there.

Bitch (:

Yeah, miraculously has appeared in this wall in time.

Jerk (:

And we figure out that basically, Benny, Dean wants Benny to go help Sam and Bobby get out of purgatory. And that means that Benny has to die to get there. So he to save Dean's brother that wanted to kill him, which is fucked a little bit. Benny agrees, though. He is just really, Benny's just not having a good time on Earth. He fits in, even though he thought.

Bitch (:

This is...Betty's committing suicide by Dean Winchester.

Jerk (:

Yeah, he just doesn't he's not happy in in in the new world earth.

Bitch (:

No, he doesn't belong. He is... He does know he doesn't, you know, he is a... He never got the other vamps that don't eat people, right? There isn't like the support group for them. So he's just by himself sucking on his blood bags. Doesn't have anyone to hang out with. Like, yeah, that seems pretty miserable.

Jerk (:

He's on and he's on the run because of the hunters being after him and they'll kill him regardless of what kind of vampire he is and it just sucks. So.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so basically, you know, but Dean wants Benny to ride Sam back and he won't. So then they yeah. So then they embrace and kiss. Okay, they don't kiss, they should have.

Jerk (:

Yes, you find him a portal and come back. They don't kiss, but Dean's gonna go to Maine where the portal drops them off.

Bitch (:

Nowhere is near Maine. Nowhere. Everywhere is like 15 hours from Maine.

Jerk (:

doesn't make any sense. So I do like Benny says, not my first rodeo man. And then Dean fucking cuts his head off.

Bitch (:

Bitch (46:04.666)

They found his head over by the snow -capped machine.

Jerk (:

It's very upsetting. I don't like it.

Bitch (:

No, it was very distraught and like especially with how good his teeth looked. Like, God, he's so handsome. Why are you doing that, that poor handsome man? That's just sad.

Jerk (:

I know. So back in purgatory, Sam and Bobby are discussing how Dean spent a year in purgatory. And Bobby's like, man, that must have been hell on you all that time not being able to get him out. And he's like, you didn't try, right? And Sam's like, and Bobby's like, well, and Sam's like, well, we had an agreement. And Bobby's like, yeah, I know the agreement. It was my fucking idea. I know it's a damn agreement, but that doesn't mean you actually do it. It's a non agreement.

Bitch (:

Yep. Yep.

Bitch (:

No, it's a non agreement is not agreement and you know, and I feel a part of me like feels like, yeah, like Sam has been beaten up for this a lot. But also, like, I still don't think he gets it right. And so I kind of feel like he deserves it. It's like every time someone like, what? What do you do for like, it was just a year, right? Like, it wasn't like 10 years. I was like, you're like, you didn't do shit like, okay.

Jerk (:

Wait, you didn't even try? Like...

Jerk (:

Yeah, so then they get attacked but Benny's there. Holy shit. And he fucking rips someone's throat out and turns with a mouth full of blood and says Dean sent me. And Bobby's distraught that Dean had a vampire buddy, but he's like, y 'all two both went off the rails. That's not very fair.

Bitch (:

This is dumb. This is dumb. I don't think Bobby would do that. I think the anti -Vinny vampire thing in this entire season was way too harsh. I don't think any of them would have stepped with it that long.

Jerk (:

No, and so.

Jerk (:

I agree.

No, I agree fully because Sam is all about a fucking gray area. Why is he not about that with Benny suddenly? then just straight jealousy about Benny and Dean's connection. Bobby would have wanted Bobby's about like logistics. And yeah, he might have think that that Benny's a monster still. But I feel like if he said that, you know, Dean sent me, then I feel like he'd be like, shit, that's kind of cool. And then, yeah, you guys might still might think you're a monster. But hey, thank you for saving me. I don't know. Anyway, so we've got.

Dean's driving baby to Maine while he gets spied on. Sam is telling Benny that he knows that that Benny saved Dean's ass in purgatory. And Benny's like, yeah, now I'm going to save yours. I'm a disgrace to my own people, though. So they get to the portal and. It's a. So by Bobby gets in, Bobby does get in.

Bitch (:

Get my arm! Get my arm! Get me, Betty! Get inside me!

Bitch (:

Bobby gets in Sam. Bobby rides in Sam.

Jerk (:

Sam's arm, his arm, and then Bob, and then Benny refuses. And he says, no, there's, and because three vampires show up to attack them and they call out Benny for being with Winchester's again. And he says, tell Dean I said goodbye. I'm never, never good up there.

Bitch (:

And then Sam gives him the new knife that he stole from the other guy and then just leaves him to get his ass kicked because Sam sucks.

Jerk (:

So many sins.


Jerk (:

And Sam leaves and he's like not doing good. So Dean is in the 100 mile wilderness. Sam appears. Yay. Yeah, it does like aliens. We have an emotional hug and we've got a little bit of a moment talking about purgatory and they're both just so glad that they got Bobby out. But Sam has to tell Dean that Benny got them where they needed to be, but he used himself as bait and he didn't want to come back.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

And Dean is very sad, but he's, you know, between the, you know, Sam's time to let Bobby out of his arm now. I don't know. That's weird. The thing's weird, right? The whole. It's.

Bitch (:

She is.

Bitch (:

I know, the whole get in my arm is weird. I'm very glad, no lie, we are done with getting in my arm. As far as I know, this is the last time anybody rides inside of a Betty. You better be very careful with that four. It could have been a four scan.

Jerk (:

Okay, good.

Jerk (:

Rodin in my forceps or forearm forceps forearms. My one thing I'm saying I'm riding in the forearm. I was trying to think for no not for skin for step. I don't know why I said for step. my gosh. I forget what that muscle is called. I was gonna try to be like real clever. Nope. Not me today apparently. But my god so well there we get a blue light that's Bobby's soul I guess floating up into the trees and then all of a sudden it turns black and it stops moving.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Because fucking Crowley's there. He has trapped the soul.

In the woods. And he's like, Yeah, sorry, Bobby belongs in hell for the damage he did to all my demons. And that's all there is to it. So he flings Sam and Dean and onto trees and pins them there. And who shows up your favorite again, is back. And she's like, No, you're not going to send Crowley's soul down motherfucker. And she's like, Yeah, I know. She knew that they I know that the Winchester is free and innocent soul from hell.

Bitch (:

No, help me.

Jerk (:

and you wrongfully are trying to return it. And he calls her a bureaucrat. And that apparently is the wrong thing to say. I find that that part really amusing. And she is pissed when he says that she's a bureaucrat fighting outside her weight class and she is not a bureaucrat and shoots lights out of her eyes at Crowley and he disappears and Sam and Dean drop from the tree. And then she sends Bobby solo.

Bitch (:

and... No, I appreciate that.

Bitch (:

Thank you.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Pretty funny, like that's the straw, the broker back. Calling her a bureaucrat.

Bitch (:

I mean, they'll call me and like if I called you a bureaucrat, I'm pretty sure something would come out of your eyes, too.

Jerk (:

Probably, probably. And she once again, like, see Dean, you can trust me. And she flaps out. Ugh. Ugh.

So Sam does the passage, I guess, that he's supposed to read after the trial. And as he's reading it, his hand is glowing and he's yelling in pain while insisting that he's okay.

Bitch (:

I'm fine. This is fine. So am I. It's fine. It's good. It's just a little it's a flesh wound flesh wound. I'm cool. I'm cool. Just my mitochondria being being smooshed. I'm good.

Jerk (:

It's fine. This is all fine. Everything's fine.

Jerk (:

Back on the boat.

Kevin is touching up all his sigils and, and, and a devil's trip.

Bitch (:

No, it's not that boat. No, it is the boat. Okay. Yeah. For a second, I thought for a second, I thought he had left the boat and then I was like, no, he was on it.

Jerk (:

Mm -mm.

He's still on, he's still on folly.

Bitch (:

My eyes are falling!

Jerk (:

And he's got Crowley's voice in his head again, insisting that, Hey, you've got to be tired of this. And Kevin's trying to tell himself it's all a dream. But then there's a loud noise. The boat's shaking. The windows shatter. Candle goes out and Crowley is there. And he's like, yeah, guess what? I couldn't find you. But you know, I used your mom because I couldn't find you. I used your mom to find you. And she has a really high pain threshold. But Kevin's like, no, he wouldn't, she wouldn't have told you where I am.

They're like, yeah, no, she wouldn't have. So I killed her and took your address from her phone.

Bitch (:

Not Linda Tran.

Jerk (:

No, Tiger Mommy.

Bitch (:

I am forever. Okay, honey, honey, you're getting a little, a little uppity here.

Jerk (:

Ugh, yeah, he's like, people are nothing and I am forever.

Bitch (:

Yeah, sweetie, you're a tailor. So yeah, this is this is what this is what happens when you give some men some some powers. Some people's they just shouldn't. Most people shouldn't have power or powers grew up. But this especially like tailors like like this is what happens. But then we hear Kevin scream. We don't know what happens.

Jerk (:

and Kevin's yelling.

Jerk (:

So we cut to Sam and Dean and Dean's they're kind of like asking each other if the other one's okay and basically both or it's got like no but they're like no but whatever it is what it is and Dean tells Sam that he buried Benny but he did not burn his bones.

Bitch (:

Lisa, you alright? You alright?

Bitch (:

It sounds cool with it.

Jerk (:

he wants him to he hopes he comes back and sam says he gets it benny's different you gotta leave that door open and

Bitch (:

No shit, like I've been saying that forever. Like I've been telling you that for the past year and now you're finally getting it. Just because he didn't want to ride you Sam, like now you finally understand. Now you fucking dead and eaten by like, what do you think happened to him? You got lovely eaten by vampires.

Jerk (:

Hannibal vampires, right? Right? What is that? What? I don't know. Vannabels. But they get to the boat. Can't face. So they get to the boat and it's, it's all dark inside and every indication that Kevin was ever there is completely gone.

Bitch (:



Bitch (:

Canipires is like canopies, but canopies canipires

Jerk (:

and Kevin is gone. And they are convinced that Kevin made a run for it.

Bitch (:

Which I think is stupid. Again.

Jerk (:

Yes, that is the first thing they think of. Like you didn't even like consider.

Bitch (:

Hearing voices that were crowy. Everything is gone. It looks super neat.

Jerk (:

It's too perfect. Like, come on. So they're being dumb, dumbs.

Bitch (:

I know, dumb Winchesters. Alright, so before we count our conclusions about the dumb Winchesters, who is in this?

Jerk (:

I do have some cast notes. So I've got a few, just a few folks. We've got Ajay was played by Asaf Colton, Cohen, excuse me. He's been in episodes of numbers and CIS, Entourage, Ghost Whisperer, Reno 911, 24, Bones, Glee, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, This Is Us, and 911. He was Hassam in the TV show Heroes and Hooman Jaka in the TV show Weeds.

Bitch (:

You know, I would take just a spin - I would take a spin -off about a J. I would take like his like his life being like... Because he doesn't seem like the other Reapers like yeah like this is great like I would totally watch that. The Drys the Cab? Yeah, I'm down for it. Alright, pick that one up.

Jerk (:

I would.

Jerk (:

A rogue reaper? That'd be a cool story. That drives a cab? It's like a whole thing.

Jerk (:

Our Crossroads Demon was played by Doron Bell. He's been in episodes of Fringe, Roadies and The Hollow. He's actually also done a lot of voice work, including the Magic School Bus, GI Joe, Transformers, the littlest pet shop and a bunch of anime and video games. He was a science officer in the film 2012 and he was in a few episodes of Snowpiercer as Gardener, and then he's played an EMT in the TV show The Good Doctor like

more than six times, which I thought was interesting. And then he's been in a bunch of holiday Hallmark movies as well. And then our, which one is that? Our guard demon, which is our creeper, as I called him, that ratted on everybody, was James R. Bayless, and he's been in episodes of X -Files, Lucifer, Travelers, and Altered Carpenter.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

Very cool. It was a good ensemble cast.

Jerk (:

Yeah, that was.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so I know I didn't prepare you enough, but it's not a bummer episode. It's not. Yeah.

Jerk (:

No, it was just an emotional roller coaster. Yeah, no, I was very, very concerned about when it was alluded to that Bobby was coming back because you I wasn't ready for that emotional roller coaster, but it was OK. And then I was once you realize what was going on with Benny, it was very like heartwarming, but sad. Does that make sense?

Bitch (:

Mm -hmm.

Jerk (:

just like the sacrifice, but then also realizing it's partially self -serving sacrifice because he's so unhappy and like the layers of that for Benny and just Benny is just such so beautiful that it was. so.

Bitch (:

He's so pretty. Now he's dead. His pretty teeth. They're all gone. I'm butting the fact that, I mean...

Jerk (:

I also want to retract my prediction from last week because now we're so, I was like, there's no way we're going to get all the trials done. We're way too close to the end of the season. Well, now we got two done. OK, maybe I was wrong. We might get there.

Bitch (:

Yeah, sometimes they just go and at least like, here's a child, we go through. We'll see, so I mean, it's, you know, there's still a few more episodes to go.

Jerk (:

They guys freaking wrap this shit up at the end.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Yeah, so I may have I may have I may have underestimated them. Yeah. What do you think? Anything about this one?

Bitch (:

Don't underestimate the Winchesters.

Bitch (:

I mean, I said, I really, I want the spinoff. I think, I think that guy, I was just thinking he's hot. So that's probably a lot to do with it. I just, I just think it's an interesting storyline. And, you know, I think this is, you know, where you're, I think you could say like, we're finally getting into like the in -depth Crowley stuff, like his, like the, he's getting really good lines and stuff that are coming through and like.

Jerk (:

Yeah, so cool. He's very, he is a good looking man. He is a good looking man, but it could have been, you're right, it would be a really cool story.

Mm -hmm.

Bitch (:

He's just Rock Shepard's getting to like really just go all crazy with it now. It's just so good.

Jerk (:

I just don't find it. I just, I know like he's clever. It makes me mad. He's too mean. He's too evil for me to like him.

Bitch (:

That's because I don't think I don't think he's inherently that evil, right? Like, I see the good and the good the bad boys. That's a problem.

Jerk (:

Maybe I maybe we haven't gotten there yet. I don't know.

Bitch (:

Well, that's true. I also like, I know him as a whole, but also like, I like evil men. We'll save that for another episode of my therapy, but yeah, I mean, but anyways, I'm, we've got second trial done. I don't.

Jerk (:

We'll save that for another episode.


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

Yeah, Sam overacted. Not Jared Palak did not overact. Sam overacted, right? Like there is just like things that were built like the knife stuff was just weird. Like I don't get the emphasis of the demon knife in this episode. Like it seems like just a weird thing to focus on.

Jerk (:

Well here's my rude comment, is that directing?

Bitch (:

or writing. I mean, this, you know, like I say, I did not say Jared Padalecki or Radisson Sam were acting right. It was just too much emphasis on that fucking knife, which is weird. But you know, it's

Jerk (:

No. Correct.

Bitch (:

Why can't they just work together? There's just so many things in here. And also, I mean, I get like, I think they should have been nicer to Bobby. And I don't know, maybe Sam's just a dick. I'm too happy with his knife.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

Anyways, yeah, I think that's it. Alright, so we got a few more episodes to go and We will see you when hopefully none of us get eaten by sharks or sunburned

Jerk (:

Yeah. Well, probably will. That'll happen. Cheers, bitch.

Bitch (:

All right, cheers.

Show artwork for Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast

About the Podcast

Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast
A Supernatural fan show where longtime fan Liz “trapped” Diana, into watching for the first time. Come along for a spoiler free watch with crafty urban fantasy enthusiasts.
We're going back to the beginning of the road and watching Supernatural from the beginning. For your host Liz, it's probably her fifth time through. For your other host Diana, it's her first. She claims she was scared. Naturally as a supportive friend, Liz will attempt to exploit this fear as much as possible. We also dive into the spooky spook in the show in whatever way we want - occult, folklore, true crime, shopping, GAME SHOWS?

Watch the videos on you tube @devilstrappodcast
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About your hosts

Elizabeth Waddell

Profile picture for Elizabeth Waddell
Liz, the maker of the Lore is a ne'er-do-well Texan, you can find her in the spooky places.

Diana Cox

Profile picture for Diana Cox
Diana is watching Supernatural for the first time and loving every minute. Diana lives in Dallas, TX and spends her time seeing/making music, going to car shows, drinking, and caring for 2 large dogs (+ the husband/Babe).