Episode 13

Published on:

3rd Oct 2024

9:13 The Purge

This week's episode of the Devil's Trap podcast dives into Supernatural Season 9, Episode 13, titled "The Purge." The hosts, Bitch and Jerk, explore the chilling concept of the "pish taco," a mythical creature that feeds on fat, leading to bizarre and grotesque events in the episode. As they discuss the characters and their motivations, they delve into the ethical quandaries surrounding weight loss and body image, drawing parallels between the show's narrative and real-world issues. Listeners will hear about the complexities of the Winchester brothers' relationship, especially as they grapple with trust and sacrifice in their ongoing battle against supernatural threats. With humor and insight, the hosts also highlight the cultural implications of the episode's lore, making for a thought-provoking and entertaining discussion.


  • The episode explores the themes of body image and societal standards through the lens of horror, highlighting the absurdity of fat-shaming.
  • Diana and Liz provide a humorous yet critical commentary on the show's darker aspects, especially regarding personal struggles with body image.
  • The lore surrounding the 'pish taco' serves as a cultural commentary on exploitation and the consequences of colonialism in Peru.
  • The dynamic between Sam and Dean is a reoccurring theme of conflict that emphasizes their individual struggles and differing philosophies on morality.
  • Maritza's character is portrayed with depth, reflecting the complexities faced by women in oppressive societal structures and their fight for agency.
  • The podcast delves into the representation of indigenous cultures in horror, challenging stereotypes and promoting understanding of cultural narratives.

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On this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast, we've got pish tacos, fish tacos, pistachios, and pish taquitos.


Flying fudgin darn tootin. Let's do this.


Welcome to this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast. What can I say, podcast Lord? Welcome to this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast. I'm Diana.


I'm Liz.


And we're going to talk about season nine, episode 13, the Purge.




Yeah. So what have you been up to, Liz?


So what did we do? What did we do this weekend? So this weekend we did a meet and greet over stands. Sponsor front through momentous, how you say that?

I guess presented by. Presented by. Presented with momentous is a company that puts it on. There's a very long way to say we had a meet and greet with.

With that bitch Meg, with Rachel Miner. And I just thought she was just utterly delightful and the sweetest human being that was possibly ever put on this earth. And what did you think?


Yeah, no, she was just very sweet, kind, thoughtful, just a very likable person to hear speak.

And it was really cool seeing so many fans that she recognized that she's met in the past that was like, there's some other fans on there, and she, like, would know people by face. And it was kind of interesting, like, that her super fans really support her and she has. She knows them.


And that's hello to some of you. If you subscribed, you said you would. So we're holding it to you. And so you better have. So, yeah, I mean, that happens a lot of times.

Every time we go to a meet and greet, we find the ESPN family is, you know, I know, like, a lot of people are there to just really support her through, just because she's such a big advocate for people who have Ms. Like she does. And just in general, just the community as a whole. I know she's just been a really big voice for them. So I just.

For the community, for ESPN and for everybody.


I don't say that she told some really, some really cool stories about the show, and there's other things she's done. I really enjoyed that.

And even talking about other actors supporting her as she, you know, faced some of the physical challenges of her, of her illness.


Yeah, it was just really good, I think, you know, again, all the fans are always super, and it's always interesting to meet new people, even. It's virtually. I know they have another one coming up. I think it's next month. But it's going to be all the ladies. I'm very excited.

But the poor guy who put it on got bitched at because they had to split the meet and greets up. So I'm going to the naughty lady panels because of course I am. And the naughty ladies meet and group is going to be Ruth and Abedon. So nice.

And I've never had a meet and greet with her, so I'm pretty excited. And Ruth Connell, I've never. I don't think I've officially done a meet and greet with her. I think I just. Did I get a.

Do we have pictures of me with her and Peggy?


I think so.


I don't remember if I paid for that or not.


I think because you saw like I.


Think maybe I paid, I think I did pay for a picture with her once, but she, she's very short and I'm very short. I don't know. It's very sad when sad or a good thing that I'm like, I can't remember who I've met. I know I've spoken to her.

I just can't remember the circumstances. Anyways, so that one's coming up and very excited about that. I don't think there's any news and just a general ESPN land beyond that now.


It's just bits and pieces about some of the shows that different actors are on. So that's all.

If you're watching any of those like tracker and things like that, there's some minor updates on that, but nothing earth shaking that I've heard or seen on the. So on the socials.


On the socials.


By, by the time this episode drops, we'll be in spooky season.


I mean, we're already in spooky season. It's officially fall.


There we go.


The fall equinox happened like last week. I don't know what sacrifices you were.


Making, but not the right ones.


So we are in spooky season. Both. I. Diana has got a lot of her decorations out. I am doing a test run of different eyes in my bushes.

There is so many innuendos going into this episode. I'm sorry, guys. I don't know. Maybe it is like phrasing. It needs to happen. I am experimenting with various.

Just trying to figure out what's going to be the best approach for my new house. I have a new house, so I don't know how to approach the holidays here. So in one bush I put a pair of giant googly eyes and a couple of other bushes.

I've got ones that look like they have, like, eyebrows and things, and they follow you around. And then another one. I've got some, like, red eyes that glow in the dark, but they. I don't know.

I'm not a huge fan because they've got a lot of strings and stuff. I'm having troubles hiding. They kind of trashy during the day. So what was. Did you have fun with your Halloween decorations?


I did. We did. I'm gonna. I don't know where I put a couple things. One of those, like, huh. I'm sure I was very smart. Where I put this, I have no idea. But the.

But, yeah, we did. We ordered some new stuff that has not come in yet. Very excited about. But our standard items are up. I've got my. My waving skeleton.

My giant inflatable waving skeleton hand that makes me very happy in my front yard right now.


Yeah. I'm very curious to see what happens in my new neighborhood.


Yeah, I think, like, a lot of people wait till October. Like, October formal. I mean, technically, I put them. These up at the end of September, whatever, but I think a lot of people do.

But, like, I don't know if I'm gonna take the effort to put up decorations. I want them up for a minute. Like, give me at least a month of them up.

It's like, I'll probably break the rules on my Christmas decorations and put them up before thanksgiving again this year, because if I want them up for fucking not, I want to give me holiday spirit. That's how I feel about.


Suck on your holiday spirit. All right, let's think of sucking on things. Let's talk about the purge. So the purge's original working title was let the fat one in.


So, like, it was yesterday, and it was directed by Phil Schutzia. And the last time we saw him direct was in season eight, sacrifice. And also before that, everybody hates Hitler.

And this was written by Eric Carmelo and Nicole Snyder, who we last saw this season in episode five, dog Dean afternoon.


Well, a recap is primarily centered on the Sam and Dean breakup and about their distrust of each other and family. That's really the recap. That's it. And our episode opens in Stillwater, Minnesota.


I want a hot dog real bad.


It made me think about, like, I did not want a hot dog. Yes. But I am going to state fair of Texas soon. And I was like, oh, it's corn.


Dog time. Yeah. Yeah, that could be good. So, we're in Stillwater, Minnesota, and hot dog eating contest, and somebody is chipmunking, and that's not allowed.

You have to swallow, or you are disqualified. I told you, it's just everywhere.


Well, I think he actually shoved in his pocket. And he's like, the small guy blames this. This other gentleman. We don't know their names yet.

Also, so Slim Jim accuses Wayne of cheating, and Wayne wins. And wins a $1,000. So Slim Jim is. Sorry.


Why didn't they check his pocket?


That's very weird. The judge just didn't, I don't know, disbelieves Wayne.


Okay, whatever.


Yeah. So, out in the car, Wayne's real smug about winning, but he's by himself in the car, which is kind of. It's kind of a weird scene.

He gets in his car, pulls the hot dog out of his pocket. No, sir. And eats it. No, sir.


And eats it. So, like, after the event, he was just like, no, it's my dick. But now it's like, this hot dog was on your dick, and you're eating.


It, and he's probably fuzz anyways. And he is admiring his trophy until he hears a noise outside and just kind of laughs to himself. But then we got a person in the backseat.

So a source of everybody's nightmares back. Having someone pop up from your backseat, and they start, like, kind of choking him from behind. And he's spitting out hot dog.


I just call it grossness. It was like.


Then grossness happens, and he's deflated, and he gets deflated.




And as we zoom out, he definitely had a bumper sticker that says, bacon makes everything better. Which I'm not saying he's wrong generally. I just think that that's a very interesting choice of bumper sticker. I just don't know if I'd put that.

Yeah, I don't know. And so, yeah, that's our intro.


Then we go to the bunker, and a very disturbing, you may be needing an intervention scene that we are coming upon.


Dean has been up drinking and researching literally all night.

It's morning, Sam's up to make coffee, and Dean still has a glass of, like, has a fresh glass of whiskey and, like, an almost gone whiskey bottle next to him.


And I'm not saying, you know, no judgment here. I'm not saying this has never happened to me, but it's not good.


Yeah. And he's just like, yeah, Rudy was on then unforgiven and whatever. And the booze that he's drinking is called Wenzel's. I noticed.

I don't know if interesting and not familiar, but he's been that he started researching Gadriel Metatron, the mark of Cain, and just hasn't found shit. But he found a case with a bizarre death in Stillwater, Minnesota.


Death by tube steak. Also gross.


Yeah. And so he's like, yeah, he was attacked in his car and shrunk from 300 down to 90 pounds. And, uh, so Dean's gonna take a.


Horse bath so they can go, Dean, you're. Dude, take a fucking shower. You're at your house, right? You're not in a gas station.




You have. You love your old man robes.


You don't take long to get rid of it.


Self care is not going to a spa. Self care is just taking the time to bathe yourself. Right?


Shower would have taken two minutes.


The same amount of time it would. Just for everybody's sake. Who's going to be riding with you in the car also? This case can wait. Maybe like, I don't know, take a nap.

Let Sam drive so you can sleep in the car. I don't know, but you should sleep well.


And Sam's like, are you okay? And you just upset about our honest conversation, basically.


What the fuck do you think, Sam? Like, fuck you, Sam. You honestly also both. This sucks. Sam, you basically told him, I don't want to be your brother. I want to be hunters.

And now you're asking me? He's okay with that? What did you expect to happen?


So dumb. But of course, Dean's like, yeah, it's fine because they're stupid anyways.


Anyhow, so we go from there to Minnesota.


Yeah. And they are acting as FBI agents at the police station meeting with the sheriff. And I'll leave it alone from here on out. Anyways.

And so our sheriff, Donna Hanscom, gives them the coroner's report.


And she is so very, very helpful.


She is very helpful. She verifies the weight that, yeah, he was over 300 pounds. It's cause of death. And that they think it's cardiac, cardiac arrest.

But he also had organ damage because everything was sucked out.

And so I love when she goes, she goes to get a powdered donut and she takes a bite and she don't give a fuck that she's got that powdered sugar over face. Cuz you. How can. You can't powder donuts.


Stop it.


And then.


So you can eat that and not have that happen.


So we just have this adorable scene with Dean goes over and gets one. He's got the same problem.

And it's just we've got Sheriff Donna and Dean sitting here covered in fucking powdered sugar, talking about this case, her with her super thick Minnesota accent. And it was really cute.


It is really cute. And Sam is too good to participate in this.


Yeah. And she. Yeah, the rivalry. Go ahead.


Yeah, we're just talking over each other. So what we do, but. So, yeah, we learn about competitive eating.


Yeah. Where they have all kinds of fun shit here. Because it's cold as shit. There's nothing else to do.


There's nothing else to do in Minnesota. This is what happens when, like, people get really drunk and bored in the winter. Like, you want to see who can eat the most baked beans? You betcha.


Buff wings.


Let's go get some buff wings.




Butter. Deep fried.


Sometimes deep fried.


Which all sorts of wackadoo stuff.


Wack do. It's good stuff. Uh, anyways, but apparently the butter bowl, the wingding, and shrimp tasia were all won by Wayne.


That all sounds delicious.


And Wayne is the only one that Slim Jim couldn't beat in the region, and so. But he has an alibi. He was still inside the hot doggery.


And there's so many people in there who saw him. I just can't.


I just can't. And they're just both covered in powdered sugar, and it's just great.

Anyways, so Sam and Dean are gonna go see Slim Jim, because even if he has an alibi, they gotta find out what's going on. They got. Maybe he's a suspect. Maybe it's some witchcraft shit going on.


So they step into a slim Jim.


They step into a slim Jim. And Slim Jim is training for his next eating contest by eating a bowl of lettuce to stretch his stomach.


That's actually a thing that competitive eaters do. It's a thing weird. Yeah. I still want a slim Jim, though. I know. It's never good. It's always gross. And I already told Diana I had indigestion.


Yeah, but you say it often enough.


And I want one.


I know, because they snap a little bit and it's kind of greasy and.


y. A lovely lady. And this is:


Yeah, this is. She has a lovely display on the shelf that Dean comments looks.

You know, he's asked about it because turkey calls her good luck charms, which is kind of. It looks very like a witchy altar, because what is she?


She's a roman show. I can't do this Minnesota accent. I can have it in my head.


What does that mean?


e. And it was all the rage in:

It was classic television, and it just was so brilliant.


Yeah. So good. Yeah. So Sam's gonna go to the restroom, which, you know, we all know it means he's gonna snoop. We find out what he's doing. When they.

When he goes to the restroom, they. He's. That. She's there in the house taking a shower. Why the. Who does that?


Who does that? A creep. Like, that's my nightmare. That's my fucking nightmare to be Sam's creepy while a dude is in there.


But Sam's being creepy as shit because that. But also. What the fuck, Slim Jim? You don't get your fucking bitch out of the shot. Wife out of the shower. I say bitch. Sorry I was rude.


Like, you'll get your bitch out of the shower, slim Jim.


Like, I. Come on, go get Mala out of the fucking shower and be like, hey, the FBI is fucking here. Can you. Like.


The FBI is here.


Do you want it? Can you, like, I don't know, like, throw on a sweatsuit real fast.


Doesn't seem like he gives a shit about anything. He seems pretty chill, but. So as Sam is snooping, we see her big, fat american gypsy wedding dress pictures, and it's amazing. I was like, did her.

Did your family disown you from marrying a gorger?


I don't know. It's a good question. Who knows?


Who knows? Maybe. Maybe more than once.


What? I don't know. You're talking about. I mean, but some of the families were cool with it.

Was it the rope Ramona shells family, or was it the other ones, the Rom.


Michelle's? I mean, they're all Romney shells. So it just kind of depends on.


Like, I thought there was one other sect where sometimes they were cooler.


Well, there's Romney. I don't know. I'm not gonna speak on this because I was not ours incorrectly. Yeah.




But I will. I will take it upon myself to go back and rewatch all those episodes so I can tell you I can correctly.


They need to make a series of the where are they now? That's what we need.


Yeah. I did send Diana a where are they now? And we usually post some of them on the. On the insta, surprisingly, a lot of them are in prison.


Oh, okay.


Surprising nobody.


Well, Sam Creeper ass moves on from the photo and sees it. What could possibly be a hex bag on the bedside table? So he snags it just as she comes out of the bathroom. And they both think she misses seeing him.

So I guess that's good. I don't know. But the back downstairs, Dean is asking Jim pressing questions about hot dog sizes.

And Tim's just like, I just want to know if I'm a suspect. Is there a warrant? Like, what the fuck?


What's going on? Yeah, but they did. The boys take off. They go back to the motel.


Yeah. So they're going through this hex bag and they find a flock of flock. What is that? I don't. Was a piece of hair. Chunk of hair lock. That's the word.

Whoa. What was happening? My brain there?


I don't know. We were going from an f word. It was like f word for hair. It was like I took out my hair and I was like, where is she going?

But she was going to a lock of hair. And it is a bag full of weird. But it's also not. It's not really a hex bag. It's a poochy bag. Fun word to say.


It is fun to say, poopsie. And apparently it is a. I'm going to say that word wrong again. Rob Nichole Romney shell version of a hex bag from their research. Hmm.

They're like, oh, is this hexing, the competition? Is it like thinner? Does Jim know? Who knows all the questions?


Well, who knows is Mala? And she's back. And she comes pounding on the door because she wants her putsy bag back.


She does. And we find out that putsy bags aren't just for hexing. They're also positive sometimes for.

You can use them for blessings because she's banging Wayne for years. Poor slim Jim.


Poor slim Jim and poor Mala because Wayne's gross and calls her princess Jasmine, which is completely not very weird. That's so wrong in a lot of, lot of levels. So, so many.


And we have a really weird exchange with Mala and Dean about her type.


Preference that sometimes, because Slim Jim Washington, Dean didn't understand how she could go from, you know, a pencil man to a thicker gentleman. And sometimes she said, it's nice to feel a little give.


And Dean got it. Dean's like, okay. He kind of gets it. He accepts.


Well, no shit. Yeah. All different body types are worth. Like, people have sex with all different kinds. And sometimes you want thin bodies. And so stupid.

We probably should have put a. Some sort of trigger warning on this episode. We'll get to that in a minute.




Because it triggers me a lot. So.


Well, we cut to a woman on a stationary bike at the gym, alone at night, reading a wedding dress magazine.


Yep. Staring at a magazine full of unattainable standards of beauty.


Then we've got Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warren singing up where we belong through her headphones.


That is a good workout song. Maybe. What's that? Is it? Yeah. And this is how you know it was directed by a man. Although a woman did write part of this.

So I'm so confused how this happened. So she goes and she steps on the scale. She takes off her shoes. She takes off her rings. She doesn't take off that sweat soaked hoodie, right?

Hoodie weighs, like, 20 pounds. That hoodie fucking coming off.


Yeah, yeah. Absolutely.


Because you forget that number. Like. And she's just like, how is that even possible? And I'm like, so many reasons. One, you're weighing yourself too often. Two, that scale is wrong.

Three, you're rotating water. Four, you built fucking muscle. Five, get off.

The goddamn scale is not an accurate measure of your health or whether or not you're gonna fit in that fucking wedding dress. Why don't you just use a measuring tape instead of that fucking scale?


But. Correct.


But at least just take off the.


Goddamn sweatshirt at a minimum. Bare minimum. Bare minimum. And then someone sneaks in and hits her upside the head with a fucking hand.


Weight tick exercise. Dangerous. Dangerous.


Oh. So. And we see something real creepy moving around on top of her abdomen. I don't really get that. But then she starts shrinking and deflating and goes.

She's fallen across the scale and drops 100 pounds very quickly.


Numbers go down. Yeah, yeah. So the next day. And there's. So the next day, the boys are at the scene.


Yeah. And the cops like, oh, she waited. And there's this really awkward conversation about women lying about their weight. And it's stupid.


Yeah, that happens.


But Sam does call Dean out for lying about his age. So there you go.


Yeah, people should. Someone who should a kettle who should not be talking about people being vain is Dean Winchester.


Right? But we find out our sheriff has taken the week off.


No, you just saw her now. She's gone.


She gone. So Dean's like, hey, why? What's this weird red circle mark on her stomach? It looks kind of like a suction mark.

And so, like, was it changeling of some kind? And they're just like, I don't know about this.


They didn't have kids, right? So does it make sense, like, changing doesn't that? And then there's a pretty girl, and.


They weren't sure if Wayne had the mark. And they need to find out. So Sam and Dean are gonna argue over who gets to talk to the cute chick that works at the gym.


And Dean doesn't want Sam to do it because he says that Sam is.


Awkward around girls and he's just being.


Honest, which I don't think is the case because he's Jared Padalecki, and most women would just tell them whatever he wanted. Just like what?


Well, and then, like. Anyway, this is a dumb conversation. Dean's being a dick.


Yeah. So then we go to our conversation with our poor trainer.


Yeah. It's because Sam's got to go look at Wayne's. Look at. Find Wayne's body and see if there's a suction mark on it.

And this blonde, she's basically tawny, was scheduled to close the gym that night, but she didn't because she had a date and she felt she didn't want our bride to be to feel cheated. So she basically gave her the key to. To lock up on her own after she was done working out. She's just crying. It's all my fault.

As they roll this woman's body out, and as she leans over to get a tissue, her shirt rides up. And Dean notices a red circle on her lower back.


Yep. Not a tramp stamp, but a section mark.




So then we go to the hotel, and Dean is disgusting. And he is on the bed with his shoes on.


And he's telling about the trainer, who also just lost a ton of weight. After they verify that Wayne also had one of these marks on his neck, though.

But when he asked her about the suction mark, she got embarrassed and clammed up. But basically they took some me days last month at the Canyon Valley wellness spa.


Yeah. And then we see an ad where they guarantee weight loss with no surgery.


Diet, or exercise results in one week.


That seems suspicious.


Yeah. So they watch this little promo video, and it's this attractive couple, generally attractive couple. They show off their place, how you just.

How calm this place is. They have a fucking health food buffet. You do yoga. It's apparently lovely. I don't know. So they decide that they need to go and apply for jobs there.


And they basically go up and pretend.


To be Hans and Franzen, which is amazing. I love to get hunts and fries. Inference.


We wanted to pump you up.


When we were little, we would do, like, skits all the time, and that was way too.


Yeah. If people don't know, I'm not just shameless. They have released all the episodes of Saturday Night Live on Peacock.


Oh, fun old.


All 50 seasons. Well, in 49 seasons, this will be the 50th.


That's funnies and eighties ones before they got. Well, yeah, major people were on there, I should say.


Well, I mean, you go back to, you know, starting with, like, Carlin and Ackroyd and Belushi and all these ones that I haven't seen in a very long time.

Or I finally got to see the episode with the specials where the specials just come out and they're just, like, so pissed off and all these shit happens, but, yeah, so all that. All of them are out there. So it's. It's also really funny to watch how, like, the politics are exactly the same. Like.

, you could plot this down in:


It's always amusing to me, too.




It's all new.


Is it, though? All right, so on that side note. All right, so frowns come up, and they meet the owners.


And Dean, they're like, we were just so moved by the testimonies. We're definitely personal trainers, and Dean is way too, like, aggro enthusiastic for the vibe of this wellness center.

So Sam's, like, very calm about his passion for training and fitness. So they explained that they met.

Larry met Maritza in Peru when he was there as a student, and she made him into the lean, mean fighting machine he is because. And he does some really weird, like, super fast kung fu shit. That's really awkward.


Yeah. I don't know what that was.


But then they hire Sam because he's chill for yoga and Sandin in the. To the kitchen.


Yeah. Basically, Dean becomes a lunch lady. Sam becomes a gym teacher.




And that means we get Sam in a tank top and shorts.


He wears it well.


Yeah, he looks like he. This could be his profession if acting had not turned out well for real.


It does.




Yeah. Dean's in a hairnet and a hairnet.


It kind of works for him, so.


But Dean's in trouble for jabbering with a trainer by his supervisor, Alonzo, and. And tells him to keep scooping. And Sam has to go to yoga. And Dan's like, how the hell do you know yoga? And he's like, sam did have a good comeback.

He's like, you're not the only one who ever dated someone bendy. However, that doesn't mean you know how to teach yoga.


No, but we'll soon learn. He does not. And so in this.

In this kitchen, though, we have seen they may have gone a little overboard on the spa food, but, I mean, I'm kind of wish I could go to a place that had all those food in front of me now.


I'm like, in a lot of ways, this place looks lovely. I'm not gonna lie.


I would go hang out there. Yeah. I would totally be there for a week. This looks like a really fun spot, except for, you know, the sucking. So.

Look, how fast am I losing this weight? Okay, so Maritza has.


Is walking. We've got our. We have our sheriff. Now we know when our. Where. Our sheriff is on vacation, because she's not on vacation, really. I mean, it's vacation.

Take your vacation.


She's on a vacation. She's on a wellness retreat.


Yeah. So Sheriff Donna Hanscom is being taken into a treatment room, and she's about to get cupping, which sounds lovely. I need to go do that again.


And, you know, she's told that it doesn't hurt, and it can, but it really. Because it's basically your.


It's, like, pressure. You feel pressure. Pressure.


Your skin's getting sucked off.


So. So.


But also, when she, like, the Roma therapy is knocking her out and. But, like, is that what it. Cupping really looks like?


Yeah, I think so. Like, your skin pulls up that much.


It's a turn that red. That's crazy, because, you know, I mean.


You don't watch it happen because you're crazy pants. Yeah, I know. And I am pretty sure it is. I looked it up a bunch before. I did it once.

Yeah, it gets, like, real, like, reddish purpley and pulls your skin really hard. That's why you get bruises.


I've got the couple. You know, I've got the suction marks, just not.


Yeah, not the process. Yeah, yeah.


I've never watched. I mean, you don't watch it. So I'm just like, oh, shit. That's what it looks like.


Well, the sheriff passes out face down, which. Good for her. And then Maritza leans over in a crazy suction tube thingy comes out of her fucking mouth.

Her eyes go turn white, and she puts this sucker on the sheriff's back and sucks out her fat. And Maritza sucks out her fat.


Yep. She just starts sucking off.


You weren't lying about this episode. It's just.


It's just there. And so we don't know how we feel, because technically it's just liposuction, but it's through someone's mouth. So. Yeah, so that's happening.


That's happening. Back in the kitchen, we've got. Our dean's on the phone, and he gets in trouble because if you got time to lean, you got time to clean.


And then he's just as bitching about the superfood, which looks delicious.


The healthy salads and vegetable bites and all the things. It's pretty stuff. But now he's got a scoop. Spoonfuls of this, orangeish, put, like, brownish orange, like golden pudding. Pudding into bowls.

Because the clients get pudding on their spa day before the real work starts, which is nice.


You get a treat before you get sucked. You know? It's great.


And I'm sitting here like, what is this? Butterscotch? We find out later the flavor. Yeah, that was my guess at this point, was butterscotch.


I haven't had butterscotch in very long.


It's underrated, right?


It's underrated. I also just haven't made pudding in a very, like, it's been a long time because it's very processed food.

But anyways, so he gets his pudding, and then he licks the spoon. He licks the spoon?


No, sir. He contaminates the entire thing.


You're so disgusting.


If I'm in my house cooking something I know no one else is gonna eat. Do I do that? Absolutely.


I still look around and then, like, go, like, well, is there a chance somebody else will eat this? And then, like, I don't know. I. I can't. I. Too unsanitary.


If I know it's definitely, like, this ain't gonna. This is one meal, one night kind of a thing. Or if.


Yeah, yeah. I mean, that's fine. Yeah.


But not if it's something you're sharing with people.


Giant bowl of. Sorry to be the yellow light, but it's just a giant bowl of pudding.


It's a kitchen. There's plenty of tasting spoons, sir.


Anyway, is he disgusting? Me and David. Justin.


So gross.


And he steals a molecule. Yeah. So then we go from that to this horrific yoga class.


You've been to more yoga classes than I have, and I knew this was bad. Sam is bad.


No one tells you to hold anything for five minutes.


Like, no downward dog for five minutes. Fuck you, sir.


I mean, actually, I've been in classes where that may have been a thing, but those are very specific classes, like the.


Well, I guess the only one I've seen that where you've done something that long. Is the. The thing at the end that makes me stress that everybody else likes shavasana.


Corpse host.


Yeah, that one.


Yeah, it takes a while to learn how to.

But you also just need to go to yoga classes where that's just a one time where you can just like, I've fallen asleep so many times in corpse pose and that's kind of fun. But anyway, Sam has never gone to a yoga class, and so. But while he's there, he can see that everybody has these suction marks all over them.


Yep, sure can. And he creepily pretends to be checking their form while looking at their exposed skin on their backs.


It does feel really good, though, when you're in down dog, to have somebody come up behind you and pull your hips. And a Jared Padalecki wants to come up behind me and pull my hips and put me into the property. I will gladly, gladly be that volunteer.

So anyways, we go from that to Dean getting high off of pudding. And now I also have another goal. Zachary.


I also have a question though, because now, like, he's sitting like by. In front of the liquor cage. Why does this med spa have a fucking liquor cage? Where are they drinking?

This is full on, like a liquor cage in the basement or something. Shit. It's crazy.


Maybe they have parties or something.


I don't know. He is rugged up from this pudding. So Sam's class was not impressed. For the record. They knew he didn't know what the fuck. What he was doing.

They clearly weren't unimpressed. And as he is standing outside, who does he see but Larry wheeling our sheriff down the hallway? Agent freely. Yeah.

Which is, I guess, an ace freely reference.


Ace freely. Sorry.


And she has. And he has to play like, she's just really out of it. He has to play it off.


He just plays it off. Right. And. But honestly, later we figure out that this. It's kind of, okay, you can play this off. But then his phone rings.


Yeah. And Dean is slurring on the floor asking for help.

And all he can say for his location is sweet potatoes because he's passed out on the bag of sweet potatoes.


Sweet potatoes.


Yeah. And so Sam gets to the kitchen, basically wanders around, finds the right storage room down in the basement. And he's like, dean finds border.

Not unconscious, but like, definitely, like incapacitated Dean of.


Yep. Yep. And Sam then figures out that the pudding is salted caramel. So you're close in the butterscotch.


It's the best of both worlds.


Dean is able to say that I.


Would have really liked it. It's one of my favorite flavors of anything is salted caramel. So I feel you. I am with you, Dean. Yes. Yes, sir. But, yes, he was. He couldn't resist.

So Sam leaves him there temporarily and goes and accosts the chef that made the pudding to ask what's in it. And he's. The chef is real snarky. He's like, it depends if you liked it or not. But he gets decked pretty fast against the wall.

And the chef's like, it was. It's a locale, I swear. And he's like, finally, like, chill, man. It's supplements, okay?


Just metabolism boosting supplements. So Sam leaves the chef. Look. Yeah. And goes back to Dean and has.


Feeds Dean an energy drink and says, here's the pill box or bottle. Excuse me. And he's like, these are not supplements. These are roofies. And Sam's like, how do you know.


What a rupees look like in teens? Like, how do you not? And to be fair, I mean, I don't know. If I could, I could identify, I.


Wouldn'T be able to. But he doesn't want to end up in a bathtub with a kidney carved out in Chechnya, which, I mean, I don't either. That's a reasonable thing to want.

But anyway, so now Sam's like, by the way, everyone here has a suction mark. So they get to go sneakily meet with our sheriff and tell her what's up, and she's like, I've been waiting six months to get in here.

It's totally worth it. I've already lost ten pounds in one.


Day, and she does not care how. And perhaps you should, Donna. I'm just saying. And then she tells him that her ex husband Doug said she loved cookie dough milkshakes more than him.

And instead of him trying to be better than cookie dough milkshakes, he left her. So fuck Doug.


Dean even says, Doug's a dick. You deserve better. And he. And she's like, no, but Doug was right in a way. You know, it was a dark time. Some people eat their pain. I was guzzling it.

And she's. You know, she is kind of. Kind of curious what they're. What Sam and Dean are doing here, though.


Sorry for knocking my mic again. I'm a terrible, terrible podcaster.


Dean's like, there's a connection between this place and the murders. Sam's like, suction marks. And she's like. Like this and shows her suction mark. And it's from their spa treatments. It's just copying.

I just snoozed through it, and now I'm down to two dress sizes.


And darn tootin.


Did she eat the puddin and lick that bowl clean. Yeah. So in the dining room, we've got Larry freaking out, and he yanks Maritza out to have a private conversation.

He's holding this cigar box and he's like, hey, our new guys are not personal trainers. I found FBI badges in their glove box. So he fucking violated baby.


He did violate baby. But I also like the fact that he is smart enough to know that they are not, in fact, FBI agents.


No, because he also, they also have a Marshall's badge in there. And he's like, hunters.


Uh oh.


And then she's like, but why the fuck are hunters here? And he's like, because there's a printout of the article about Wayne's death. And he tells her to get rid of the evidence.



And then we go to detective Sam, and he is out, and he is looking through things, including all the cupping stuff, which looks like legitimate cupping stuff.


It does, it does. It looks legit. And then Maritza is in some hidden back office dumping out containers in a fridge full of fat in a liquid. But that's weird.

Like, why is it in that container if she was just sucking it out? Or does she. I don't know. I don't want to know. Nevermind.


Anyway, well, I think maybe she got hungry and she can only eat so much and like, so some of that's her later because it's just lipo'd out. So some of that just looks like fat. That was lipo'd. I guess that's what lipo looks like. I just say pointedly, that is what Lipo looks like.

So, uh, after.


And then she can't resist. Yeah, but Dean walks in and he's like, I'm no health nut, but that is just wrong.


You know what I mean? I would say, yes, that is just wrong. But somebody who has sucked guzzled bone marrow. I mean, I'm not gonna lie. That's delicious.


Yes. Yes, it is. And he ties her to a chair to get her to talk. So here's my question. Does this.

I, when you taught, when he ties her to the chair to get her to talk, that's. I feel like this is the sign that he is gonna talk and not necessarily kill her. I'm just gonna file that away. Put that in your pocket for later.


Yeah. I mean, he's also not quite sure what she is at this point. Right, so maybe we don't know yet.


About to say. She's gonna tell him she's a pish taco fish. Taco.


Sheesh. Taco.


A peruvian fat sucker.


Yes, yes. Peruvian fat sucker. Like vamps with a sweet tooth for fat.


And she's like, no, we're vampires. Kill. We're just parasites. We don't hurt them. And I started to help people, and I could eat, but I wasn't killing them.

The problem is my brother, Alonzo, it's.


Always a fucking brother, man. So we cut from that to Larry going after Alonso because he's like.


He's like, you are a lost cause. You're weak. Elon says, like, what are you talking about?


This is not a good in law relationship. You can tell there. There are some problems. And Alonzo blames Larry for starving, right?

And he's just like, maybe if I could have just, like, sucked off as much as I needed to instead of just these portions that you're giving me. But there was clearly plenty of fat there.


Yeah. And then Larry's calls. Well, and then he.

Alonzo calls Larry Blanco, and Larry calls Alonzo a freak, which is weird, because the same thing as the sister. The sister he's married to. So I think that's a weird thing to say for Larry. And I.


Well, maybe Larry isn't the best person, so, you know, so that happens.


Larry tells him to leave, but Alonzo is mad because Maritza, he loves his sister, I guess, despite ruining her hiding in her business. And freaks out and kills Larry.


Yep. Sam hears screaming and goes to find Larry with a hole in his neck.


Yeah, it's like a gushing blood suction spot. It's weird. So back in Maritza's office, she's like, yeah, I brought Alonzo here. I wanted him to live the way I do. We're not.

We don't have to be monsters. We just eat enough to get by and. But he was not, as Sam put it, into portion control.


Yep. He almost killed the client sucking too much fat, so she sent him to work in the kitchen.


Mm hmm. And she blames herself. Now there's three people dead.


And he also said the more that she deprived him, the hungrier he got. And that is something that he was saying to Larry.

So I do wonder if there is any truth in that, of whether or not they kind of forced him to, like, over. And, like, that was part of the peach tacos, like nature, you know what I mean? Like, you. He. You starve it. And then it wants more.


I don't know. But he's living in the basement, right? It does, potentially. He's living in the basement by himself, though. And there's three people dead.

That's what we know. And Dean's like, we need to figure out what side Maritza's on. So till then, she stays put. And she's like, I'm on your side. He's.

Sam's like, fine, then tells how to kill Alonso.


Prove it. Prove it. So, they go down in the basement.


Mm hmm. Sam and Dean are gonna go search. They have no lights. They have to use flashlights because Alonzo's turn the lights, cut the lights somehow.

And while they're searching and looking at different rooms, of course they separate. There's blood on the floor. Dean finds some gross, unrefrigerated containers of, like, bloody fat in organs. It's very weird, right?


Very, very not good.


No. And Sam finds the chef dead with a bloody suction mark on its neck. And, yeah, so he.

Alonso shoves this armoire onto Sam, and it falls on him, and he's like, there's no chance the fat makes us stronger.


Next, sex tape.


And Sam's like, your sister didn't mention that when she ratted you out. And he tries to sucker Sam's face, but Sam is able to shove the armor up and off.

So, apparently, a, Alonzo totally underestimated padalecki strength here, and b, that thing did kind of look like it was from, like, Ikea or something, so it probably wasn't very heavy. Anyways.


Yeah, it was just particle board.


Yeah. That's nice. Nothing. Not a knock on Ikea stuff. I like it sometimes.


Yeah, the particle board is not heavy. It's light.


It's physically light.




So, anyways, I just thought that was funny. But Sam's like, hey, after you killed her husband, you're too much of a monster, even for her. So we're gonna fight.

But as they're fighting, we have a big fight scene between Sam and Alonzo. And right when Alonzo is about to sucker Sam's face because he's gonna suck off Sam's face, Dean shows up and cuts off the sucker.


Or a tentacle. I don't know. I told you this episode's gross. And it's about to get Grosser because it's time for Lord. Oh, my God.

I am so excited for this lore because, really, a fish taco? It's a colonizer monster. And it's just the fact that that is a thing that exists kind of makes me happy. So we're going to talk about peach tacos.

And the legend of the peach taco comes from the indigenous people of the Andes, the descendants of the incan civilization. And approximately 25% of the peruvian population identifies as indigenous, which I think is interesting. And this really comes into this.

It's not an urban legend. It's a legend. It's a mythology. It's a myth.

But it's often been said to be an expression of racial violence, as it's generally characterized as an evil that threatens a marginalized population. And in this population, we're specifically talking about what they would call Indians at one point.

It is a myth, though, that has gone from one that was popular in these rural cultures and in marginalized urban places to one that has actually become a part of popular culture, which is also really fascinating. And the fat stealer goes by many names. Pish taco derives from the Quechua word meaning pishte.

Quechua word pishte, which means to cut, slaughter, behead, or slit the throat. A similar term, karasiri, is used in the Aymara language. And in southern Bolivia, the term lick ikiri. Yep. Nope, I was doing really good. Sorry.

But a word meaning fatmaker is also common, as is kari kahari, which translates to katar. And there's another word, another word that means cursed. So there's a lot of words for it.

For this, though, we're just gonna use Kishako because I like saying it, and it's just good to have one word for many things. So, first, let's talk about fat. Fat is life. Fat makes us stronger, as Alonzo said during this episode.

And unlike blood, if you want to make the vampire comparison, you can actually see how fat makes a person seem healthier, or at least better fed, especially if you come from a society where people die from wasting diseases like tuberculosis. You can also see how it transforms when it's cooked right. Fat is magical, but really, you can see it goes from one substance to another, right?

And it's not only a vital life force, but it also serves as a means of communication with the spirits. Particularly in the andes.

Many people believe that humans embody a blend of a vitality derived from fat combined with wisdom and ancestral powers, which reeks. I can speak. I swear.

All right, so many people believe that humans embody a blend of the vitality derived from fat combined with wisdom and ancestral powers, which reaches its peak during middle age. Now, this age group is seen as the prime force. Besides societal functions representing optimal vitality. The middle aged people are where it's at.

And so very plant, you know, fan of this society. However, this also means that middle aged individuals are the prime targets for. Targets for the peace talk.

So to understand some of the things about the culture, they believed a lot in sacrifice, right? And Viracocha was the supreme creator in inca mythology. His name translates to sea of fat.

And that also refers to Lake Titicaca, my favorite lake in the world. And Lake Titicaca is known for its frothy surface, possibly symbolizing the source of Iraqocha's power.

And this froth resembles the froth that is found on maize beer, the beard head. Right. And traditionally, when you are drinking maize beer, you sacrifice a bit of this frothe to the spirits.


And so that is that corn beer?


Yes, corn beer. I did not know something. And you can go down to Peru and drink some mace beer with your. You can do that, enjoy it with your guinea pig.

So also considered fat is also used in sacrifice through candles made with llama fat. As llamas are a parallel society and thus acceptable as a sacrificial substitute.

The people there believe that powers are given in exchange for the sacrifice. But it's reciprocal, right? All things are give and take. And if you ask for too much or you have too much pride, things are going to go bad, right?

And it's believed this is what happens when mining tunnels collapse, etcetera. People, like, they believe that spirit is part of everything, right? The teller is the earth spirits.

And even within the mind, the mind is full of spirits.

And so you are taking these spirits when you're mining, and that's okay to take some, but if you take too many, then bad things are to come and mines are going to collapse. And that's how those things happen, right?

And those people, though, who take all these things and taking all the time and without reciprocating, are those harming those in legitimate cycle and those become. Or are the peach taco.

So the myth of the peach taco goes back to the arrival of the Spanish, who were said during battle to use the fat from indian corpses to staunch their wounds. Again, I apologize. This episode gonna be real gross, but not really sorry. Not sorry. So.

But also putting fat into wounds seems really unsanitary beyond just that general fear that the myth that evolved to focus on the bethlehemite friars who used to traverse the Andes collecting alms and maybe use fat to administer to the sick, it is known trigger warning, you're going to get even grosser than someone putting fat inside wounds.

It is known that the founder of this order, the venerable Pedro de San Joseph Deeze Batankur, for a humiliation exercise, would clean sores and rotting wounds with his mouth.






Absolutely not.


I'm so sorry I had to tell you that. But now you can picture that, too.

Okay, so they think that may be one of the reasons that the fat sucker legend kind of came in from that idea right there. But you have to remember, this is a society where fat is really, really highly valued.


Right, right.


So the standard attack for most peach tacos don't use their mouths. So what we saw in this episode is really a very far not accurate representation beyond the fact they were peruvian fat suckers. That name sticks.

A standard attack is thus. But again, this is something that's been around since the 15 hundreds. So things have changed.




So be sandra attacks. Victim is caught walking alone or in some isolated state, usually at night, because this is the time the peach taco likes to conduct his business.

The victim is put to sleep, either through prayers, drugs, using burnt or pulverized bones, or seduction. Then the fat is extracted from the side using a small instrument. No, this is coming from your side, not off your ass or your fupa.

It is usually, like, by the kidneys and looking for the dark brown fat. And that's a hard fat that's used for making candles or soaps. And the tools used to get this may change.

It could be machetes, knives, guns, a long needle, pig sticker, knives, anything that can rip open the flesh to get to that fat. Sometimes it's also said that they pour boiling water on the victims first, and maybe that's to soften that up. Right.

both men and women during the:


Good lord.


Yeah. One thing that is interesting is that victims do not become peach tacos. If we're gonna.

Again, going back to kind of the vampire idea by a vampire, and this is because peach tacos do not want to give up. They wouldn't share their power, especially not with the people that they're feeding on. Right.

There are, however, some recent stories of the males fathering children. And all those children are only Mendinh, and they become young peach tacos. Peach taquitos. That was actually written in my. In my.

In my studying things. I did not make that up. I am not mocking somebody's culture. Pish taquito is what the young pish tacos are called.


That's amazing.


So really, speaking about the evolution of the pesh taco, right. So who are the pish tacos? The peach tacos are outsiders. The kara outsiders who do not live in reciprocation with the people, but take instead.

And at first, the peace tacos were the priests. It was said that the priests used the fat they stole to grease their bells and to shine their saints.

So all their statues and things would be shined up with fat and grease. And so, like, clearly they're taking this from the people, right. As time went on, of course. Yeah, of course.

That would smell bad if you used actual fat to do that. So as time went on and the power shifted, I don't know if it would smell bad. I just made that up.

No, I mean, you think that you just like now I'm gonna backtrack. If you just go to the store and you get lard, right? You think lard doesn't smell. So I think it depends on where you're extracting this fat from.

Sometimes they said it looked like semen. There's a whole things about those fat is because it's memory.


It's nothing anyways, it's from different spots. I got you.


Okay, so we're gonna go back. Peace tacos. Peace tacos are outsiders. The car outsiders who do not live in reciprocation with the people, but take instead.

And at first, they were the priests who came with the Spanish. And it was said that the priests use that fat, right.

Then as time went on and the power shifted, they became the powerful mestizo, the haciendos, the merchants and miners. And those people then became the peacetop and those legends.

Then the fat, instead of being used for bells, would be used for soap, for medicine, the grease and the machine, and new factories. So as things became industrialized, this took on that part of the legend, right?




When bureaucrats and the government and doctors came to power, they became the pish tacos. Stories circulated during times of crisis that the government was selling the fat of the indigenous to pay off the national debt.

And so it is something to think about also that was happening during, as things were raging on. This is we all, if you live in America, you've heard there may be some trouble in South America. And this has been going on for probably 500 years.

But you know, one of the things, so really talking about this, the difference though between the indigenous and the colonizers, we also then have the difference between the Spanish, the mestizos, the indigenous people, and then also indigenous who moved out of the country and the world to the city.

was living in urban areas by:

And between 19 82,000, a guerrilla war raged between the maoist guerrillas of Cinderiso Luminoso, the shining path, and the peruvian army. And that was leaving the indigenous caught in the crossfire. And that spurred a resurgence of these tales. Right. The tails kind of died down.

Violent conflicts increase and tails rise. And notably with the emergence of the brutal female leaders within Cinderella Luminoso, the notion of peach tacos finally shifted.

And for the first time, women were seen as fish tacos, breaking them. Previous male exclusivity that stemmed from women's lack of authority breaking those glass ceilings.




So. But the peach taco has evolved so much too, that it could be almost anybody through their actions, not necessarily just the white dude anymore.

White becomes instead a word for privilege. And the word peace taco actually becomes a verb. And so people use it, you know, and say things like, I used to pistart.

He got pistard, or, I'm going to peace tart you.




But how would you recognize them? Right? As I said, they're called white because whites were the first peach tacos. And that is usually used in their description. Description.

But what makes one white in this culture doesn't necessarily mean the color of your skin. There are stories of peach tacos who have purple colored faces and with excessive hair of the same color.

Hair is also something on that is a theme, like hair on the body and face, because that is something that a, you know, people, just. Indigenous people don't typically can grow. Right. So it looks.

But peace chocolates generally look like whoever is in power and just happened to be for the longest time. There was a certain and certainly look of those who were exploiting people, you know, so how do you kill one?

So if you kill a peach taco, their spell will be broken. You can maybe reverse the effects by eating more fat. There are pharmacies in Peru where you can buy human fat. It's really expensive, though.

But you would get the fat, then you would burn it with an egg and weigh rubro beans. And then I think you're also supposed to drink a coca Cola because it said something about a dark cola. And. But so that's one way to do it.

But for the most part, they say that they're not killable because they're powerful and protected by the state. If they are not the state themselves, which is a scary thought where they're the government, the officials of pistachios. So how can you prevent this?

So you can maybe prevent an attack by chewing chunkaca, which is a honey blob. I know it doesn't sound like it. A honey blob that is used to make beer.

So you can choose chewing this honey thing and that can hopefully stop you from getting taken over. You can eat dirt. You could also show the peach taco, a garlic pierced with a needle. So this is one of the ways you can prevent it.

But this is something that I want to iterate. That is a very real belief. And there are documented cases of people being burned alive after suspicions of being a pistacho.

f this accusation happened in:

e latest occurred in November:

CNN, BBC, all of them picking it up a few weeks later, it was determined not only did this not make sense, as fat is an easily available thing, thanks to liposuction, this may have been a government smoke screen to divert attention away from other atrocities. Ah, how my cat jumped in the back of my chair to emphasize, as.


You yelled, that was amazing.


So, yeah, it's.


Crazy. The thing is, again, not that, not. I'm not saying crazy pants, I'm talking about like the police, like crazy. Like the.


This is so embedded within the culture, right?

And when you have an indigenous culture that is 25% of the population, then that population moves into town, then these stories have all come with them, right?

And not only have they continued to circulate within urban environments, they have become a new horror subgenre with more than 20 movies from the region having some modern variation of the peach taco tale, which I think is fascinating.

So the shape of the person wearing the peach taco mantle may change as time moves on, but the tale will likely continue as long as that popular the indigenous population feels exploited and at risk of racial violence. So tupon naan cheese kama, which is see you next time in Quechua. Wild stuff. Isn't that crazy? The fat sucker?

Like, I don't know, there's so much about that. That is just so wild that I had no idea. And this is why Laura is fun and I got excited to get to learn about these fat suckers.

And, you know, obviously, though, nobody needs to have their fat sucks. You're all beautiful as you are.


But if you choose to do something that is a personal choice and people support.


You to do that, but maybe don't have it be done by the person who is going to suck out your.


Fat and kill you, maybe that's valid.


Yeah, valid. Okay, at least say that. At least do your research and don't do it in a place where you're losing ten pounds a day.


I mean, that was just a nFt. I'm teasing. No, no, that's a lot. That's. That's weird.


Do your research before you go to. So we're not done with this episode yet. I know that sounded like.


No, so go more.


But wait, but wait, there is more.


Because now the cops in the corner are there because we got dead bodies at this fucking canyon valley. So Sam and Dean are talking to. Talking to the sheriff, and they. Sam decides to step away and go talk to Maritza, where he tells her. They tell.

They told the sheriff, the usual, that there's a psych. There was a psycho killer on these loose and that's.


It was one of them. The psycho killer is that.


He didn't say that. But I would assume that they settled on. They made.


They probably blamed Alonzo.


Not insane, and they should, but, like, it's so, like. But then, like, what? They have an excuse for killing this guy. It's very weird, but whatever. She lost her whole fucking family, though.


She's bummed about this, cuz. Yeah, she should be. She lost her brother and her husband.


And her job and her business and her business. Everything. And Sam and Dean are gonna have an aside because Dean thinks that, hey, we need to basically, dean's like, it's time to kill Marissa.


We have had this argument first nine seasons. Why are we having this argument again? I'm so tired of this argument.


And it's the. It's a. Maritza's a monster. We kill monsters. But she saved our ass. But it's. Is this business?

He's like, dean, but Dean doesn't get the whole fucking him and Sam thing. He's like, I thought this was strictly business, and we're in the business of killing monsters.

And Sam's like, yeah, we're strictly business between us, but that has nothing to do with.


I just talk about feelings with you fucker. Like, no. Doesn't mean that we're inhumane with it.


Yeah, and. And he asks. He asks Steen, would I have deserved to die by a hunter when I was possessed by Gadriel?


You freak. And this goes back to Sam being a freak. And should you? But it's a legitimate question.


Yeah. And Dean suggests a one way ticket to Peru.


That sounds like a better option.


Yes. So, now they're driving back to the bunker. They're driving, and they go back to the bunker. And Dean's gonna drink some more. Oh, this looks.


This is so very unhealthy. So very unhealthy.


Just the drinking or the conversation?


Well, he's just sitting, drinking whiskey alone at a table. Like, there's no book there. There's no phone. There is nothing to him. And a glass of whiskey. And it dark.


But Dean does want to talk about what Sam said. And he insists that he saved Sam at the church, at the hospital.

And, you know, maybe sometimes he doesn't think things through, but he does what he thinks is right, and he would do it all again. And Sam's like, yeah, that's the problem, because you're a narcissist and you have to be the savior.

And you think it's all worth it because it's a little bit more good than it is bad. Because Kevin. We got. We got. Kevin's dead. Got Crowley on out in the wind, and we are no closer to beating this angel thing.


So what's the fucking point? Why? Why do we even do this?


And Dean's like, you and me fighting a good fight together, and then Sam calls him out. He's like, you did not save me for me. I was ready to go. You did this for you because you didn't want to be alone.

You're willing to make sacrifices as long as it's not you, basically. It's real heavy.


Yeah. And then this is a new spin on this that I'm gonna. I'm gonna take right here.

So, yes, Dean tells Sam he would do the same thing if the situation was reversed. And Sam says he wouldn't. Right? And we all know Sam wouldn't. We saw this happened when he took it. He got a dog. Right?

So, is Dean just really mad because Sam won't do that for him?




And it's just like. It's not even so much. It's just like what? Like, he wants. He's going to a stone for blood, right? He wants something from Sam that Sam can't give him.

And Sam won't do this for him.


And Sam has proven this. And I don't think it's a indictment on Sam's feelings about Dean. I think it's just a different perspective. Does that make sense?


No, it's completely a different perspective. And it's different values. Right. It's just. And it's what happens when you.

One of you was the elder son raised by John Winchester, and you got four years with a mom who loved you, and the rest of you just got all John Winchester and turned you into this. So. Yeah. And so Sam's just like, nah, I'm gonna go to bed. And Dean's just like, I'm gonna mouth.


Breathe and stand here and look real sad.


Probably drink some more whiskey. Yeah. Yeah. So, that was our episode, and I would love to hear about, I don't know, some of the people in this episode.


You want to hear about the cast?


I do.

Speaker C:

Casting couch. It's the casting couch. Were they on that show that time with that guy?


e was in a neo music video in:

She's been in episodes of shows like Castle and the New MacGyver. And Annabelle was a rich recurring character in. Which is funny because it's really in the tv show Ballers.

Larry, her husband, was played by Corey Sevier, and he's been. He was in a bunch of the episodes of that nineties goosebumps series since. Yes, I. Miami. He's in Smallville.

He was the boy in the commercial in Tommy Boy. Speaking of SNL and alumni, there you go. Dan in Little Men, which was a mini series.

He was Apollo in the film Immortals and reoccurring character named Seth on Cedar Cove, which is a Hallmark series. Been on a bunch. He's also been just in a ton of other hallmark. There's a lot of Hallmark factors in this episode. Not a knock. Get your work. Do it.

I enjoy my holiday hallmark movies. Alonzo was played by JJ Soria. He's been episodes of NCIS, closer, Bones, Sons of Anarchy, Dexter a couple times. CSI Miami a couple times.

Grimm, Rosewood 911, Lone Star. He was the drug runner in the first fast and furious movies. Movie series franchises. That's the word I was looking for.

Chico in crank, high voltage, and Marcos in purge election year.




There we go. And Mala Morgan was played by Brienne Granger, and she said a few things.

She was a one part in magicians has not been in a lot of other stuff, but I liked her. Tawny, our gym girl was. Rebecca Olsen played her. This was, interestingly, her first credited role.

And she was in episodes of Hell on Wheels, siren, kung fu a few times, and a bunch of hallmark movies as well. Slim Jim Morgan was played by Curtis McGuire. He's been in episodes of french arrow, magicians, and I, zombie.

Um, our deputy Cooper, uh, was played by Giles Panton. He's in episodes of V, Smallville, Travelers, and Batwoman.

Um, he's done a ton of voice work, interestingly, Voltron force, uh, Jintama, Lego Max Steel, absolute carnage and ninja go. So a lot of anime style voice work and more than that, uh, pleasant ton of Hallmark.

Our cook, chef was played by Brendan Zub, and he was in episodes of Fringe, which is East End Flash. I zombie, charmed a handful of times, fire country, and was a reoccurring character in Batwoman and has also done a lot of hallmark.

Last but not least, Sheriff Donna Hanscom, played by Brianna Buckmaster, who is obviously a supernatural fandom favorite. We will see her again and excited about that.

She, you may see her in other, have seen her in other things like episodes of Arrow, frequency, and kung fu, a lot of hallmark. And played Sherry in repo, the genetic opera.


Yep. Which is also an Anthony Stewart had vehicle. So anyways, giants.


What? Oh, yeah. There we go. So, yeah, it was, it was fun.


Yeah. So Diana has finally gotten to meet Donna.

Yeah, we're still, we're still a few cast members to work because we still have, we still have more seasons to go, surprisingly. So. Yay. I'm so glad you finally. What do you think, Donna? Finally?


I adore her. Darn tootin, darn tootin like her. But, yeah, no, it's super fun.

Um, really, I thought was a really well outlined character for how little she was in the episode, which I was impressed by.

So I'm glad that, I'm glad that someone, they're gonna continue because rarely do you have a character that gets probably that not little, but little screen time in one episode. And you know a lot about her fucking life already, and you immediately fall.


In love with her and want to do everything for her.


Yeah. So, yeah, no, pretty cool. And then I enjoyed this episode. I'm sorry, I didn't, I know you thought it was triggering.


Well, it's triggering because it's gross and it's also just like a whole bunch of fat shaming stuff, and which is you. I was like, you know, it's ironic, but I mean, you know, and for you, full disclosure, I'm not, you know, not gonna lie to people.

This, you know, I've. I've had disordered eating since I was, you know, a young teenager.

And so the idea of fat sucking to make you hot, like, is an interesting concept, but then when you go to the peach taco, it has nothing to do with appearance at all, which I just think, like, turns it completely on its head. Right. So we go from this idea of how it's in this episode where it's all. It's almost about vanity. Right, right.

And in the actual mythology, it's about vitality. Like, vitality. Vitality and life force. Right. I just. I think that juxtaposition is interesting.


Yeah, no, it is interesting. You know, and I feel like, you know, she mentioned feeling. She wants. She wanted to feel pretty again. That's the thing Donna said. Right.

And that's so I don't think. But I don't think that by never. But I don't know that they actually, like, they said people. Yes, people might want to lose weight. That's not.

That's not. But they never specifically said that we want to make people pretty.


Nobody. Well, she did. Marissa.


She did about herself.


She wanted to help people. Right. And so it's. She was there to. There's. There's so much that goes into it, and I can't break down the idea of.


That's reasonable. Yeah. I just was thinking that's. I just. For me, I didn't take it that way. I come from a different perspective, and I.


Which is a good thing, that you're nothing. Always looking at everything in terms of body shaming and body image. Right. Like, that's a good thing. You have a very healthy. A healthy mind.


I find other problems anyhow. So anyways, other than I can. I did cringe several times, and I realized, because I was like, oh, this is a little bit.


But, I mean, it's conceptual. It's cringey, but it's also what would happen in a spa place like this. Right. And that is, you know, it's a fat farm. It's what.


But also, some parts of it look quite lovely. It's like, when you're like, oh, well.


No, most fat farms are, like, really gorgeous places. Like, all, like, rancho cucamongo. Like, all the famous ones are, like, really awesome spa places that you. Yeah. You're not losing ten pounds a day.


No, absolutely not. If you are, that's not normal. Not without surgery. And I thought. I felt like Maritza was a fairly likable character otherwise.

And I felt like the I liked the episode approach other than the Sam and Dean dynasty. I like the episode approach, other than the Sam and Dean dynamic.


I like this episode. Except for the Winchesters, you know, the people who are on. I loved everybody. Terrible. Maybe a little bit. I don't know.


Ongoing argument. That's what's annoying.


No, I can go back to. And I have been going back to our first episodes, and it's just like Diana hating on Sam and Dean. So there's a theme.


Oh, I do like them. It's like I'm frustrated with them because I care.


Exactly. You want them to make better choices for each other and for us.


They make us laugh. They make us have feels.

And then when they're dum dums to each other, I get mad at them, and I get frustrated because I have to watch them be dumb dumbs to each other.




I feel like that's reasonable. And that is a reoccurring theme in the entire series, not just a season. So it's. I figured that much out. Listening magically changes soon.

I feel like this is gonna continue, and I'll just have to deal with it, and I'll continue to pitch about it sometimes.


All right. I think on that note, we'll say cheers, jerk.


Cheers, bitch. Devil's Trap podcast is a don't get a production.

Speaker C:

Devil strap podcast is part of the shipbit Studios podcast network. Thanks for listening to this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast.

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We're at all your favorite podcast outlets, and@devilstrapppodcast.com. i'm babe. Thanks for tuning in, and we'll see you next time.


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About the Podcast

Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast
A Supernatural fan show where longtime fan Liz “trapped” Diana, into watching for the first time. Come along for a spoiler free watch with crafty urban fantasy enthusiasts.
We're going back to the beginning of the road and watching Supernatural from the beginning. For your host Liz, it's probably her fifth time through. For your other host Diana, it's her first. She claims she was scared. Naturally as a supportive friend, Liz will attempt to exploit this fear as much as possible. We also dive into the spooky spook in the show in whatever way we want - occult, folklore, true crime, shopping, GAME SHOWS?

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About your hosts

Elizabeth Waddell

Profile picture for Elizabeth Waddell
Liz, the maker of the Lore is a ne'er-do-well Texan, you can find her in the spooky places.

Diana Cox

Profile picture for Diana Cox
Diana is watching Supernatural for the first time and loving every minute. Diana lives in Dallas, TX and spends her time seeing/making music, going to car shows, drinking, and caring for 2 large dogs (+ the husband/Babe).