Episode 9

Published on:

27th Feb 2025

10:09 The Things We Left Behind

Let's talk SPN Season 10, Episode 9, "The Things We Left Behind" and the (re?)introduction of Claire. Liz tells Diana about the legendary CBGG Wayne County Incident (aka the night Handsome Dick Manitoba got his collarbone broken by Jayne County's mic stand).

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Speaker A:

On this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast, let's go to CBGB with Dick.

Speaker B:

And Jane while we're at a tiki bar, but don't be ordering whiskey there.

Speaker B:

Let's do this.

Speaker A:

Welcome to this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast.

Speaker A:

I'm Diana.

Speaker B:

I'm Liz.

Speaker A:

And we are gonna talk about season 10, episode 9, the things we left behind.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Especially when you didn't put, like, a tracker tag on them or an air.

Speaker A:

Tag or things get lost.

Speaker A:

It's weird, right?

Speaker B:

Find my phone.

Speaker A:

Which, by the way, is a stress, since I've stopped you wearing my watch.

Speaker A:

Like, I have to, like, feel like I have to, like, pay close attention to where I put my phone because I got kind of dependent on just making my phone ding.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And now I have tough to, like, keep an eye on my phone.

Speaker B:

Well, I mean, the thing is, like, even if I'm not wearing my watch and I lose my phone, typically I lost my phone in my house.

Speaker B:

So then I just go get my watch and I ping it.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I got in the bad habit of, like, putting it on a shoe shelf while I was in the closet picking clothes out or in a shoe, which is fair.

Speaker A:

I have a shoe rack.

Speaker A:

And, like, I'd set it in.

Speaker A:

Or, like, not like, I'm crawling on the floor.

Speaker A:

I'm shoving it in the shoe, but, like, I would set it there.

Speaker A:

And then I, like, pick up my clothes and I walk out of my closet, and I'd be like, where's my phone?

Speaker A:

And it's, like, tucked in a shoe so it's not super obvious.

Speaker A:

It's a terrible idea.

Speaker A:

I stopped doing that.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That seems like a nice.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Well, what have you been up to since we recorded last?

Speaker B:

Well, I think when we last recorded, we were talking about how we were going to the same show but in different places.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Yes, you went to the show first.

Speaker B:

So you should talk about, I guess, like, your experience and then we'll do our.

Speaker B:

Our versions.

Speaker A:

Oh, well, the.

Speaker A:

I went to see the show at Trees in Dallas, and the.

Speaker A:

I got to see some adorable.

Speaker A:

That's rude.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And, you know, I don't want to be talking down about some.

Speaker A:

Some young men in a really cool band called Toxic Madness.

Speaker A:

And I give them kudos for rocking out and.

Speaker A:

And trying to keep the scene alive, like, one of those things.

Speaker A:

And then.

Speaker A:

But, yeah, the Drowns are so fucking good.

Speaker A:

I had not gotten to see them live.

Speaker A:

I missed them last time they came through Dallas, so.

Speaker A:

And you would.

Speaker A:

And I like their music.

Speaker A:

And you had raved about what a good show they put on and you were not wrong.

Speaker A:

At was one of the best live bands I've seen in a hot minute.

Speaker A:

Super good.

Speaker A:

Stoked about it.

Speaker A:

Bought a T shirt, all the things.

Speaker A:

And they gave out flexi discs.

Speaker A:

Did they have those at the merch table when you were there?

Speaker A:

You remember those like the.

Speaker A:

I don't even have them.

Speaker B:

Yeah, no, I know, I know they have them.

Speaker B:

Yeah, those are cool.

Speaker A:

I was like.

Speaker A:

And so I had.

Speaker A:

I like I.

Speaker A:

You know, obviously I work around music industry people.

Speaker A:

I talked about that.

Speaker A:

So we.

Speaker A:

I took it to work and everybody was tripping the out because people were like, oh my God, like musicians.

Speaker A:

And it was like I've been trying to find someone to make these and like anyways a whole thing.

Speaker A:

So no, they were amazing.

Speaker A:

Lower class brats did their lower class brats thing and then the Coffin Cats sounded great.

Speaker A:

That's my comments.

Speaker A:

And then we went home, went to.

Speaker B:

Bed because it was a week.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And so when I went to the one in San Antonio, the something happened, I don't know.

Speaker B:

And the line outside the venue was well over 30 minutes long.

Speaker B:

I missed almost all of the Drowns.

Speaker B:

I missed like my favorite song.

Speaker B:

Then I saw the Bratz and I thought that was great.

Speaker B:

And then I just texted my best friend at Austin and said I am coming to the show tomorrow because I would like to see the actual Drowns.

Speaker B:

So I actually then went and saw the show again in Austin and managed to see the Drowns.

Speaker B:

And the thing is when she says lower class Bratz did the lower class Bratz thing.

Speaker B:

Them doing them in that.

Speaker B:

In that venue which is.

Speaker B:

It's right by like the place we used to hang out.

Speaker B:

But I mean it's like the first like they've been playing there for 30 years.

Speaker B:

I've been seeing them.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

For 30 years.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I.

Speaker B:

t show who were like from our:

Speaker B:

So we had like that ended up being a little reunion and that was great.

Speaker B:

And I got overly excited and I was not drunk because I could not just cannot swallow.

Speaker B:

Can't keep alcohol down that much.

Speaker B:

But so I.

Speaker B:

But I was overly excited and running around in a pit and then got knocked like really hard on my ass.

Speaker B:

And then.

Speaker A:

And when you say that from.

Speaker A:

I've seen the photographic evidence of like full on landed on ass.

Speaker B:

Yeah, my ass looks like I was flogged.

Speaker B:

It was black and white like a Doppler Radar.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's bad storm.

Speaker B:

And then, like, it started like.

Speaker B:

Then it started looking like a moon.

Speaker B:

Like it's like the dark side of the moon, like coming underneath it.

Speaker B:

So, you know, it's.

Speaker B:

It's a thing.

Speaker B:

So then I got to travel across the country and go into ship with a busted ass.

Speaker B:

And so that was fun.

Speaker A:

To go to more punk rock shows.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:

To go to more punk rock shows.

Speaker B:

To go to more punk rock shows.

Speaker B:

And then I saw all the bands.

Speaker B:

I'm not even gonna list them.

Speaker B:

If you want to see all the bands I saw, go look up who played the Flogging Molly cruise this year.

Speaker B:

But it was lots of fun.

Speaker B:

I fondled a stingray and, you know, I think we're married now by stingray law, you know, by where I touched her.

Speaker B:

But so.

Speaker B:

And yeah, so I've now snorkeled, you know, on that.

Speaker B:

That reef in a lot of places.

Speaker B:

But so I snorkeled.

Speaker B:

I didn't get sunburn, which I always feel.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That's a win.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I'm also still kind of really pale.

Speaker B:

So I was outside, like, I watched a lot of bands played on the pool deck, so I watched bands, like, outside.

Speaker B:

I just was like, really cautious about sunscreen.

Speaker B:

So I'm still really pale.

Speaker A:

That's good though.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:

But good time was had by all, and now I am trying to get my land legs back and still have a knot in my ass.

Speaker B:

So if anybody.

Speaker B:

I was about to say if anyone wants to volunteer to come rub it, but please, I'm not going to put that out there.

Speaker A:

Not stay on the Internet.

Speaker B:

No, no.

Speaker B:

Just not gonna.

Speaker B:

So, anything else?

Speaker B:

There hasn't been really any supernatural news or anything going on along those lines.

Speaker A:

Yeah, not that I've seen.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Yeah, good.

Speaker B:

So I.

Speaker B:

So we are slowly marching into spring.

Speaker B:

And I will say they are selling tickets for the Supernatural cruise.

Speaker B:

If you want to go on that.

Speaker B:

I think it's like.

Speaker B:

I know.

Speaker B:

I think it's like fifteen hundred dollars I think is like.

Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker B:

But you get a full cruise, you get.

Speaker B:

Almost all the cast members except for Jared and Jensen are not going to be on it, but so that's a thing that's happening if you want to do that.

Speaker B:

It could be a lot of fun, honestly, because there looks like a lot.

Speaker A:

Of add ons though, to do some of the stuff.

Speaker A:

And I thought that was an interesting.

Speaker B:

It's very creative.

Speaker B:

It seems like it's.

Speaker B:

It's very creation, though.

Speaker B:

I mean, it's a It's a creation.

Speaker B:

It's a creation event that's on a ship.

Speaker A:

That's true.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So, anyhow.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So I did not get to go on a cruise.

Speaker B:

You did not?

Speaker A:

No, I chose not to.

Speaker A:

I didn't say get.

Speaker A:

I get to.

Speaker A:

But I got to see some friends of ours and go to a cool new bar in Dallas and get ready for a big concert.

Speaker A:

There's a big concert I'm going to this weekend at the Longhorn ballroom for its 75th anniversary.

Speaker A:

It's the Longhorn Jubilee, featuring the Toadies, Polyphonic Spree, Band of Heathens, Bob Wills, Texas Playboys and more.

Speaker A:

And there'll be a steer.

Speaker A:

It's gonna be cool.

Speaker A:

I got to meet him.

Speaker A:

I'm excited.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

s in real time in February of:

Speaker B:

If you're not, then, you know, go watch it on YouTube.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker B:

And go pet a cow.

Speaker B:

Just, you know.

Speaker B:

Yeah, find a cow and pet it.

Speaker B:

They like it, trust me.

Speaker B:

So this episode.

Speaker B:

Yes, the Things We Left behind, which is likely a reference to the Stephen King short story, the Things They Left behind, which is about a man suffering survivor's guilt following the attacks of 9 11, which I have not read.

Speaker B:

It sounds like a Upper dark.

Speaker B:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker A:

No, we're good.

Speaker B:

I think I'm good.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker B:

So this episode is Season 10, Episode 9.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And written by Andrew Dab.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So we open with a dream scene of Dean being.

Speaker A:

Having killed a bunch of.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

He's covered in blood.

Speaker A:

He is distraught, he is looking.

Speaker A:

He is breathing heavy and everybody's dead and covered in blood.

Speaker A:

And he's got blood splatter all over him.

Speaker A:

And he wakes up and he looks at the mark big.

Speaker A:

So he feels like this is.

Speaker A:

This dream sequence is influenced by the mark of Cain.

Speaker A:

We immediately then cut to Pontiac, Illinois, to the Youth Transition Center, AKA juvie.

Speaker A:

And a blonde teen girl is being brought in for shoplifting.

Speaker A:

And because she like broke out or something, they're put her for in isolation for 48 hours.

Speaker A:

That sounds terrible.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I mean, there is a say there's a really good organization that's coming out that's about, you know, helping out girls in incarceration.

Speaker B:

But Claire Novak is our girl incarceration right now.

Speaker B:

And she's gets put into a cell that actually doesn't seem that bad for solitary.

Speaker A:

Very large.

Speaker A:

And it's got like One of those punchy dudes.

Speaker A:

Like this.

Speaker B:

I appreciate the punchy dude.

Speaker B:

The bed is weird because it's, like, the cot, but then, like, there's this weird, like, the mattress situation on.

Speaker B:

It's strange, but all weird.

Speaker B:

She's also just, like, beating up the walls, too.

Speaker A:

Yeah, right.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And two, she's getting watched by some staffers, and they're just.

Speaker A:

You know.

Speaker A:

And they show us that some time passes, and then someone came.

Speaker A:

Comes and informs her that her father is visiting.

Speaker A:

And we have an appearance by the one and only Castiel, AKA Jimmy Novak.

Speaker A:

Because this is our flashback scene now to Cass abandoning Jimmy Novak's daughter.

Speaker A:

Is that like.

Speaker B:

And Claire remembering, you know, I am not your father.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And Claire remembers Cass and.

Speaker B:

And Cass tells her that Jimmy is gone after an archangel ripped apart the vessel.

Speaker B:

You know, because that shit just happens.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's real dark because it's like.

Speaker A:

I mean, she's just really hopeful.

Speaker A:

You can see it that.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Oh, that Dad's back.

Speaker A:

And he's like, no, no, Not.

Speaker A:

Not him.

Speaker A:

He's gone forever.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And anyways, but he.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

But he does want her to know that her father's in heaven.

Speaker A:

She just really doesn't care.

Speaker A:

Just leave then.

Speaker A:

If my dad didn't come back, bye.

Speaker A:

Because he took.

Speaker A:

Because Castiel took everything from her.

Speaker A:

And apparently we find out that after this.

Speaker A:

So when Castiel took over Jimmy Novak's body and they said goodbye to the family, mom dropped Claire off at Grandma's and went to find herself and has not come back since.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So Jimmy's wife kind of sucks, right?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So she just abandons her kid.

Speaker B:

We're like, okay, well, that's weird.

Speaker B:

Claire has been abandoned by both her dad and her mom.

Speaker B:

And, yes.

Speaker B:

Then dropped off her grandmother's house.

Speaker B:

And now she's in child prison.

Speaker A:

She's in child prison, which is what he calls it.

Speaker A:

And it's hilarious.

Speaker A:

Anyways, she's like, child prison is not funny.

Speaker B:

But it's funny when Cass says it.

Speaker A:

It is.

Speaker A:

And then apparently, since she's been in group homes, everything else, her grandma has died.

Speaker A:

She went into foster care, and now she's got no one.

Speaker A:

So system.

Speaker B:

System, spit her out.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And Cassiel's like, I'm so sorry.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

What do you need?

Speaker A:

And she's like, I just need to get out of here.

Speaker A:

So they are going to dress him up to pretend like the good dad and to get Claire out of juvie.

Speaker A:

Except that Sandy, who is like, the head here, is not buying this.

Speaker A:

She's like, where.

Speaker A:

Where have you been, dad?

Speaker A:

Like, what the.

Speaker A:

You just show up out of nowhere.

Speaker B:

Which, in a way, I'm kind of.

Speaker B:

This woman seems to be, like, somewhat looking out for Claire, but really not.

Speaker B:

Like, I mean, if Claire is like, I.

Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker B:

Like, I'm like, you kind of in her own way.

Speaker B:

Like, okay, at least, like, you're trying.

Speaker B:

Someone's trying, at least.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And she's like, what do you do for a living?

Speaker A:

And he's like, I fight certain deadly threats to humanity.

Speaker A:

Which Claire clarifies is an exterminator.

Speaker A:

Is kind of funny.

Speaker A:

I was amused either way.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

She's just.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

She's gonna try to test.

Speaker A:

Sandy's gonna test Castiel, and it's like, hey, how do I eliminate bedbugs then?

Speaker A:

And he said, sleep tight and try not to let them bite, and winks.

Speaker B:

At her, which I think is a really good tip.

Speaker A:

It's ridiculous.

Speaker A:

So Claire is, like.

Speaker A:

Like, out of the law.

Speaker A:

You have to, like, get me out or let me go with him.

Speaker A:

And she's the.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

This administrator.

Speaker A:

Is like, yeah, he's lying.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Responsible work until she's 18.

Speaker A:

She doesn't need a friend.

Speaker A:

She needs a father.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So we cut to the bunker where Dean is watching videos of the Three Stooges on his laptop, which tracks.

Speaker B:

I'm surprised they don't have them on film in the.

Speaker B:

In the bunker, though.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That would make a lot more sense.

Speaker A:

You're right.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Like, projector playing at all times.

Speaker A:

Dean would be happy.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That's a clam.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And Sam's delivering him a grilled cheese sandwich.

Speaker B:

Okay, so this grilled cheese sandwich, it looks really good.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

It is responsible for grilled cheesecake.

Speaker B:

So grilled cheese gate happened because when this episode, when he brings in the sandwich one point in time, Robbie Thompson made a funny comment about cutting your daughter, cutting your darlings while he was live tweeting the show.

Speaker B:

This is according to the Supernatural Wiki.

Speaker B:

And later guy Norman B.

Speaker B:

Remember, the director of this episode mentioned on the podcast with Winchester Brothers that the scene had been cut in length and originally showed Sam making the sandwich.

Speaker B:

And the fandom expressed outrage over this instance of Sam erasure.

Speaker B:

And where many of them got to be very critical of the episode's editor named James Pickle.

Speaker B:

And this then became known.

Speaker A:

Hold on.

Speaker A:

James Pickle cut the sandwich making scene.

Speaker B:

He did.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Sorry, there's layers there.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And in an interview with the super Wiki, and then.

Speaker B:

So I'm not sure.

Speaker B:

The Super Wiki became sentient and started interviewing people.

Speaker B:

But according to the interview with Super Wiki, James Pickle said, yeah, it was incredible.

Speaker B:

The scene was just Sam making a grilled cheese sandwich, and he could hear the Three Stooges playing on Dean's computer.

Speaker B:

And he just stopped making the grilled cheese and walked out.

Speaker B:

The camera was on the grilled cheese.

Speaker B:

It panned up to Sam.

Speaker B:

Sam was like, huh.

Speaker B:

Looks over his shoulder, like, what do I hear?

Speaker B:

And then walks out of the room.

Speaker B:

It was just like, a few seconds.

Speaker B:

We needed time, and we cut it.

Speaker B:

The point of a scene is that when Sam comes out with the grilled cheese and is giving his brother a grilled cheese while his brother watches the Three Stars Stooges.

Speaker B:

And it was a complete eye opener.

Speaker B:

As to the passion the fans have, I already knew they had passion, but I thought everyone would be, oh, a grilled cheese.

Speaker B:

Who cares?

Speaker B:

But no, they exploded.

Speaker B:

And I was like, wow, that is powerful.

Speaker B:

I mean, that says a lot, and I appreciate it.

Speaker B:

That's passion.

Speaker B:

That's grilled cheesecake.

Speaker B:

Now you know.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I don't know what to do with all that.

Speaker A:

All right, well, we.

Speaker A:

We see that.

Speaker A:

And you can tell that Sam is very worried about the Mark of Cain.

Speaker A:

We cut back to the child prison where Claire is failing to sleep, but Castiel breaks in to bust her out.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I would also be terrified if I was in child prison and all these noises are coming at my door.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And I had nothing but, like, a little vlog, like, inflatable thing.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Not much of a weapon weapon, though.

Speaker A:

We do flashback to Crowley's current headquarters, which are Hell.

Speaker A:

Like, Upper Hell.

Speaker A:

It's very weird because we get to some stuff in a minute that's a little confused later in the episode.

Speaker A:

I think that makes it a little confusing of the precise location, but it's Upper Hell.

Speaker B:

I think it's not Lower Albert, but.

Speaker B:

So Rowena is cuffed to a wall still.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And another woman gets thrown in there.

Speaker A:

Demon woman.

Speaker A:

And chains the wall as well.

Speaker A:

And we've got Gerald.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

The demon is now wearing a suit.

Speaker A:

And she's like, hey, I really need to talk to my son.

Speaker A:

It's been weeks.

Speaker A:

So it gives us our timeline here.

Speaker A:

And she says that she wants to apologize, which is interesting.

Speaker A:

At Sharkies, Castiel is watching Claire eat French fries, and he really wants her to eat a vegetable because, I don't know.

Speaker A:

Is he trying to, like, dad her?

Speaker A:

I don't know, it's weird.

Speaker A:

She tells him that ketchup is a vegetable.

Speaker A:

It's not, but okay.

Speaker A:

And she's like, by the way, you've changed.

Speaker A:

So she is observing some of the humanity that we've all seen over the years in Castiel's development.

Speaker A:

Um, and she says that when she met him, he was stuck up and punchable.

Speaker A:

And he's nicer now.

Speaker A:

A doof.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

No, she no no longer wants to punch him in his stupid angel face.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And he's like, yeah, I was very self assured and righteous.

Speaker A:

And I realized that now that there's not necessarily a righteous path.

Speaker A:

It's Everybody's just trying to do their best.

Speaker A:

Just nice.

Speaker A:

He's like, so, what do we do next?

Speaker A:

And she's like, I don't need to be babysat.

Speaker A:

And he's like, well, this is a terrible idea.

Speaker A:

You just, like, bust out of, like, children's jail.

Speaker A:

And we need child prison, and so we've got to figure something out.

Speaker A:

She's like, sure, sure.

Speaker A:

Let's figure it out.

Speaker A:

I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

Speaker A:

And we all know she's gonna bolt, but Castiel doesn't because he's too naive.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And she bumps into him as she's leaving, and we're all like, oh, that's the television signal to.

Speaker A:

In addition to bolting, you are pickpocketing him.

Speaker A:

So when he goes to pay, obviously you don't have his wallet.

Speaker A:

And she is gonna run.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And she flags down a car and jumps in.

Speaker B:

That's smart.

Speaker B:

And she gets in as cast airs after her.

Speaker A:

Yeah, and.

Speaker A:

Which is kind of, like, sad.

Speaker A:

Like, is she like, that desperate to get away from him?

Speaker A:

It's very weird, but maybe it could be upsetting.

Speaker B:

So Sam is literally on the run from jail.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Well, Sam and Dean meet Castiella at Sharkey's.

Speaker A:

Dean is really annoyed that this is Cass's emergency.

Speaker A:

And he has a lot of jokes, and he's like, why wait?

Speaker A:

But also, you never really cared about this situation before that you took Jimmy away from his family.

Speaker A:

Why do you care now?

Speaker A:

And Sam's like, also, more importantly, what's next if we find her, what happens?

Speaker A:

Like, what?

Speaker A:

So he's like, look, I just need.

Speaker A:

Because, like, I just need to know that she's safe.

Speaker A:

That's it.

Speaker A:

That's all I need to know.

Speaker A:

And so Sam's gonna go check things out at the child prison, and Dean and Cass are gonna wait to see if she shows back up, which is silly.

Speaker A:

And just an Excuse for Dean to eat at Sharkies, in my opinion.

Speaker A:

Okay, fine.

Speaker A:

She's like, why is she gonna come back there?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Okay, so.

Speaker A:

But Dean does want to talk to Cass.

Speaker A:

Is like, what.

Speaker A:

What brought this on?

Speaker A:

Like, are you having a midlife crisis?

Speaker A:

Ha ha, ha.

Speaker A:

It's like there's some things you've got to let go.

Speaker A:

The people you've hurt or you know or don't save.

Speaker A:

You just have to let it go.

Speaker A:

And Castiel's like, well, is that what you do?

Speaker A:

And Dean's like, absolutely not.

Speaker A:

I do the opposite, as we know.

Speaker A:

And he said, but Dean says I'm not a role model.

Speaker A:

And Castiel says, that's not true.

Speaker A:

Oh, so Castiel's gonna flip and ask Dean how he's doing.

Speaker A:

And Dean's like, oh, of course I'm great.

Speaker A:

And everybody knows he's lying because it's Dean, and he has the mark of Cain, so he's obviously not doing great.

Speaker A:

But he's.

Speaker A:

Dean's like, look, I've lost my black eyes, so that's a plus.

Speaker A:

Interesting way of references demon ness.

Speaker A:

But he does still have the mark.

Speaker A:

And he asked Castiel very seriously to take him out if he goes dark again.

Speaker A:

He said, don't let Sam stop you.

Speaker A:

I cannot go through that again.

Speaker A:

Because he remembers all that stuff.

Speaker A:

And that's something we've kind of alluded to in a few episodes now, is that he remembers all the he did as a demon, but he can't.

Speaker A:

He has trouble.

Speaker A:

Is having real trouble.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I mean, living with it?

Speaker A:

Yeah, there you go.

Speaker A:

Back in hell.

Speaker A:

Rowena is trying to talk up this other chick about how she got to this place, like, you know, because otherwise trying to escape.

Speaker A:

And he's like, yeah, it's not going to work.

Speaker A:

And they're like, okay, well, what?

Speaker A:

What did you do?

Speaker A:

And she's like, well, I got smuggled up to this level because I did some really bloody.

Speaker A:

And Reena's like, oh, that's cool.

Speaker A:

I was just a horrible mother.

Speaker B:

No, I think she was meaning about being smuggled up to earth that she was smuggled.

Speaker B:

Being smuggled from hell to earth.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

She was trying to.

Speaker A:

And she got caught.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And so at this level, she was getting smuggled is when she got caught.

Speaker A:

And Rena's like, cool.

Speaker A:

I was just a horrible mother.

Speaker A:

That's how I ended up here.

Speaker B:

And we learned.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And we learned she is such a horrible mother that she once tried to trade Crowley for three pigs.

Speaker B:

And he was a very attractive child.

Speaker B:

And he could juggle and was definitely worth at least five pigs.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Because that's.

Speaker A:

Obviously his worth is higher than that.

Speaker A:

And he is just venting.

Speaker A:

Crowley is venting to Gerald about this.

Speaker A:

And Gerald's like.

Speaker A:

And then he shares that the other thing.

Speaker A:

Reason she's a horrible mother is because.

Speaker B:

Of his name, which is like a.

Speaker B:

Like an unfun venereal disease.

Speaker A:

That's a very weird descriptor.

Speaker B:

That's what he said.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker A:

And Gerald's like, like just listening to all of this.

Speaker A:

He's like, by the way, I could just end her.

Speaker B:

Well, he asked.

Speaker B:

Gerald also tries to bond with him by saying that his mom used to burn him with cigarettes and Crowley doesn't really care.

Speaker B:

And so.

Speaker B:

So then Gerald's like, well, what if I just kill her for you?

Speaker B:

Because I also killed my own mother because of that cigarette thing.

Speaker B:

So, you know, I think Gerald's just trying to be a team player and trying to be nice here.

Speaker B:

So that's what's happening.

Speaker B:

So we cut from there and we go back to child prison slash group home, whatever.

Speaker B:

And social worker warden lady is telling Sam that there was a boy who was connected with Claire who works at the Wiener Hut.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So now we've gonna.

Speaker A:

We're gonna go have to find.

Speaker A:

We're gonna find out about Dustin.

Speaker A:

But first we cut to a house where Dustin is in his Wiener Hut uniform sitting at the dinner table.

Speaker A:

And a.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And Claire comes in and Randy enters and his glasses and a.

Speaker A:

Like, I don't know.

Speaker A:

He's just this dude.

Speaker B:

He looks like a child molester.

Speaker B:

So Randy comes in and he's gross.

Speaker B:

And we all know he's gross.

Speaker B:

Player gives him Cass's wallet that we now officially know that she stole.

Speaker A:

And she's like.

Speaker A:

It all looks like there's like 200 bucks in there.

Speaker A:

And he notices the ID inside and sees the last name.

Speaker A:

And she lies and says there's no relation.

Speaker A:

But apparently the 200 in there is not enough.

Speaker A:

And she was expected to steal more.

Speaker A:

So this piece of shit was forcing her to go steal money for his debt to a loan shark because he claims he cares about his kids so much that he got just borrowed too much for Christmas, which we all know is.

Speaker A:

So anyways, yeah, he just shames her for not stealing enough to pay down his debt.

Speaker A:

And I get grossed out and mad.

Speaker B:

Yeah, he's gross.

Speaker A:

So we're gonna have one last family meal.

Speaker A:

But they do have one last ditch effort that, you know, since she's under 18, they could they could try.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So that sounds great.

Speaker B:

So we cut from there to the street.

Speaker B:

And in the street, Sam stops Dustin.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And he has both Cass and Dean with him.

Speaker A:

Well, Dean's eating a wiener, so kind of with him.

Speaker A:

And they want to know Claire's location, so they have got their connection to find her.

Speaker A:

So we next cut to a.

Speaker A:

The convenience store where Claire is now in a black hoodie, walking through, real, real sketchy looking.

Speaker A:

And she.

Speaker A:

We find out that Randy gave her a revolver.

Speaker A:

And they explain it's a quick in and out.

Speaker A:

Just avoid the cameras, make sure there's no one else in the store.

Speaker A:

Just scare the clown clerk and then get the money and come home and we'll save the family.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

But because she's under 18.

Speaker A:

So anyways, Cassiel intercepts her before she's able to do anything.

Speaker A:

And they.

Speaker A:

She's very upset and tries to leave him.

Speaker A:

But Dean shows up and calls her Miley Cyrus.

Speaker A:

And she immediately refers to him as Hasselhoff.

Speaker A:

Which I was like, I appreciate this exchange.

Speaker A:

And yeah, I'm saying it's gonna sound.

Speaker B:

Really bad when I say this, but Dean always has really good exchanges with the teenage girls, so.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Well, because I think he's got the.

Speaker A:

The pop.

Speaker A:

He gets out of the pop culture jokes and like the.

Speaker A:

You know, he's a little image.

Speaker A:

Dean can be a little immature, I think.

Speaker B:

So I think that.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Anyways, anyway, Sam tries to introduce himself, but she's like, yeah, I remember you, so don't bother.

Speaker A:

And Cass asks if she was gonna rob that store because that's the wrong thing to do.

Speaker A:

And she's like, what the.

Speaker A:

You killed my dad.

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

You're talking to me about what's right and wrong.

Speaker A:

And Cassiel tries to defend himself, but she points out that without Castiel, her dad would be there and her mom would not have run off.

Speaker A:

And so Castiel tries to kind of approach her, but she points the gun at him and he's like, yeah, that's.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I understand you're upset, but that's not really going to do anything to me.

Speaker A:

And so she's like, fine.

Speaker A:

And she points it at bucking Sam.

Speaker A:

And Dean says they have it coming.

Speaker A:

They stood there while a monster.

Speaker A:

Very interesting that they use that word choice.

Speaker A:

Took her dad.

Speaker A:

And then everyone just looks really sad.

Speaker A:

Gold star to the writers for using that terminology for the story here.

Speaker A:

I think it was important.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And Clara says that she prayed to Castiel every night and begged him to bring her dad home safe.

Speaker A:

And he.

Speaker A:

And Castiel heard those prayers, apparently.

Speaker A:

And he tries to apologize.

Speaker A:

Sam tries to explain that Randy's using her, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker A:

And she's like, yeah, but he was there when no one else was.

Speaker A:

And so y'all should have just gone to hell.

Speaker B:

And then we cut to hell, and in hell, Gerald comes for Rowena.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And she's like.

Speaker A:

And she.

Speaker A:

I don't know why.

Speaker A:

Like, she heard, like, her power play is that she's gonna keep calling Crowley Fergus because he hates that, and she's.

Speaker B:

Calling him that out of spite, and she's just trying to piss him off because she's funny.

Speaker A:

Well, I mean, I get that.

Speaker A:

But she also seemed quite unhappy, chained to a wall.

Speaker A:

So, you know.

Speaker A:

But anyway, she says that by, you know, she was a bad mom because she wanted to motivate him to be better.

Speaker A:

That was it.

Speaker A:

And asked.

Speaker A:

Wants to know how he died.

Speaker A:

And Carly's like, you hated me and you abandoned me at 8 years old, so I don't know what you're without if with, I have no father.

Speaker A:

And she's like, well, of course you have a father.

Speaker A:

You're just conceived at a winter solstice orgy.

Speaker A:

And I wasn't taking names.

Speaker B:

I mean, that just.

Speaker B:

That happens sometimes, you know?

Speaker B:

Like, you just don't know.

Speaker B:

Like, it's an orgy.

Speaker B:

You just don't.

Speaker B:

You know, things.

Speaker B:

So many dicks.

Speaker B:

And, you know, just.

Speaker B:

Anyways, so she had to leave because she had a disagreement with the locals, but she's there with him now, and they can be a family, and she can help them, and she will always be his mother.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

You can trust her totally.

Speaker A:

And then she goes and kisses him on the head, and he looks pissed.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So then we cut to a tiki bar where these dumbasses order whiskey.

Speaker A:

I am so mad at this scene.

Speaker A:

I thought of you immediately.

Speaker A:

I don't.

Speaker A:

I think about you when I watch the show, obviously.

Speaker A:

But in this scene, I was like, this is.

Speaker A:

I'm personally offended that I love whiskey.

Speaker A:

I love tiki bars.

Speaker A:

I don't order a fucking whiskey at a fucking tiki bar.

Speaker B:

That's why that bartender looked at them like that.

Speaker B:

That bartender was like, what the are you doing?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

He looked at them like they were stupid, because this order is stupid.

Speaker A:

Don't blame them one bit.

Speaker A:

Oh, so mad.

Speaker A:

And then I wanted to go to a tiki bar, but also, when I was watching this, I'd had, like, a tiki drink the night before, so I did not need one.

Speaker A:

But anyways, when I go to a.

Speaker B:

Tiki bar, this looked like a really good tiki bar.

Speaker B:

It looks like I would enjoy it.

Speaker A:

I did.

Speaker A:

Well, Castiel is upset.

Speaker A:

He's like, claire's right.

Speaker A:

I, you know, I.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

This is.

Speaker A:

Her issues are because of me.

Speaker A:

That's it.

Speaker A:

And I need to figure out how to make it up to her.

Speaker A:

And Sam's like, so, you know, a father is everything to some people.

Speaker A:

And I don't know if you.

Speaker A:

You may or may not be able to do that.

Speaker A:

And so Cass asks if they loved.

Speaker B:

Their father, Dean Winchester.

Speaker B:

Did you love John Winchester?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And he is pretty honest.

Speaker A:

And he's not going to win a dad of the Year award, but he was there when they needed him.

Speaker A:

Let's see, though.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And then he tells a story.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And Sam is just like, telling about that time in New York.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And Dean's like, well, we were doing this haunting on Long island, and Dean was begging to go to the city.

Speaker B:

And John always hated the city and he hated the Yankees.

Speaker B:

And so they go.

Speaker B:

But they convince them to go do their NYC thing.

Speaker B:

And when John and Sam fall asleep, Dean decided to sneak out and go to cbgb.

Speaker B:

And we're gonna talk a little something about that place known as CBs.

Speaker B:

CBGB, whatever you want to call it, it's going to be lore in Liz's way.

Speaker B:

All right, so I started off thinking that I was going to talk about the first shows the Ramones and the blondie played at CBs, because those were the bands that Cass mentioned in this episode.

Speaker B:

And while I will not be covering those topics, I will say two things.

Speaker B:

The Ramones, to carry their instruments and paper shopping bags through that first show.

Speaker B:

And Debbie Harry was dressed like a quote unquote jungle girl in leather skirts with patches of fur, and she was hot because it was Debbie Harry.

Speaker B:

But anyways, as the story, as the lore for the show often goes, I was looking for one topic and I got distracted by something else along the way.

Speaker B:

I was reading through Roman Kazak's this Ain't no Disco, the story of CBGBs, and read a thoroughly line about a bar fight.

Speaker B:

And down a rabbit hole I went.

Speaker B:

This is the story of the Wayne county incident.

Speaker B:

So are you familiar with this, this tale at all?

Speaker A:

I don't think so.

Speaker B:

All right, so also caveat, you know, I say, you know, CB's was like one of my bars when I lived in New York.

Speaker B:

I was there when it closed.

Speaker B:

I love that place.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

They really.

Speaker B:

They looked out for me, except when we couldn't smoke on the sidewalk anymore and they made us stay inside and I had to watch the entire set of Flipper and they made me watch the entire set of Flipper.

Speaker B:

sources for this are the June:

Speaker B:

Additional sources will be in the show Notes so we are going to be talking about the time a fight broke out on stage at CBGB between Jane county and Handsome Dick Manitoba, ending with Dick in the hospital with a broken collarbone and Jane in the fucking Tombs.

Speaker B:

It's a story of boozed up or drugged up confusion ending in violence that is worthy of any barstool.

Speaker B:

It's also problematic the things both Dick and Jane say about each other would get anyone canceled today, but history and especially rock and roll is problematic.

Speaker B:

That said, to get the story told without me having to say those things and in the spirit of espn, I will be replacing any egregious slurs in quotes with the word idiot.

Speaker B:

You can go to the original sources if you must know exactly what horrible words are being said.

Speaker B:

So some quick backgrounds on our main characters.

Speaker B:

Jane county, her autobiography is fascinating and well worth a read or listen.

Speaker B:

As I said earlier, that is called what did I say it was called?

Speaker B:

It's such a good title too.

Speaker B:

It is called Man Enough to be a Woman and so go check that out.

Speaker B:

And she she does read the audiobook book.

Speaker B:

She is most well known as the lead singer for the Proto Punk, which I always think is a weird thing to call things, but Proto Punk band Wayne county and the Electric Chairs.

Speaker B:

She was also a participant in the Stonewall riots.

Speaker B:

She is often touted as rock and roll's first transgender singer, but I always worry of calling anyone the first of anything.

Speaker B:

But she was definitely a punk pioneer.

Speaker B:

She was a big part of the Max's Kansas City scene including being their house DJ and was one of the few acts who played both Max's CBS.

Speaker B:

Additionally she was is a playwright and actress of Min and of Mini Theater of Ridiculous Productions.

Speaker B:

As of:

Speaker B:

And also while I was going through pictures on her website realized my friend Gary plays bass in her band so that was, you know, so Ms.

Speaker B:

County Jane was is still alive.

Speaker B:

So don't sue me over anything I'm trying to do as quick as possible.

Speaker B:

Our second one, Handsome Dick Manitoba.

Speaker B:

He Is most well known for being the singer for the punk band the Dictators.

Speaker B:

r Manitoba's, which closed in:

Speaker B:

In whose bathroom some band's lead singer once tried me to get me to blow him by calling me a chicken.

Speaker B:

Did not work.

Speaker B:

Dick also had the show the Handsome Dick Manitoba show on serious of 14 years, as well as he's had various podcasts.

Speaker B:

He's really good at pissing people off, as you will learn during this.

Speaker B:

He is still performing as Handsome Dick Manitoba.

Speaker B:

I saw him last year at Rebellion.

Speaker B:

He was very proud of his son, who's in the Air Force, which is, you know, just right now, I think he's just being kind of a proud dad.

Speaker B:

But so he's still performing.

Speaker B:

And I'm going to give you the story from both of their points of view, and then y'all can make your own judgment on what happened and who is at fault.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

But I also just feel like, would you like.

Speaker B:

And that's also kind of the glory of story is like this.

Speaker B:

There's points of view.

Speaker B:

Like, nobody's really sure what happened because we're.

Speaker B:

Everyone's drunk and up.

Speaker B:

And that is how that's.

Speaker B:

I feel like that's punk rock.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

If there's anything that's going to express, like, the feelings of being a cbs, I think it's a story.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker A:

So being up in chaos.

Speaker B:

Up in chaos.

Speaker B:

Not sure what happened.

Speaker B:

But yeah.

Speaker B:

And it would also rock and roll.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And by the way, like, I will say CBGB's a lot.

Speaker B:

I know there's no S in it.

Speaker B:

It's just a thing.

Speaker B:

We all say it.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I will.

Speaker B:

I will just add that S, even though I know it's not there.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker B:

So everyone was having a good:

Speaker B:

Jade was performing as Wayne county and the Backstreet Boys.

Speaker B:

Like, the Backstreet Boys are originally a band that played with Wayne County.

Speaker B:

That's what Jane County's former names.

Speaker B:

But yeah, so it's doing such songs is like rock and roll Enema.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And I just want to have like.

Speaker B:

I wish there was like, the album Circumstance where the child picked up the wrong album and they went home with, like, Rock and Roll Enema.

Speaker B:

Anyhow, that night, Jane had also taken a bunch of Black Beauties, that is Pill in speed form.

Speaker B:

Manitoba had been drinking, but wasn't terribly drunk.

Speaker B:

According to him, Jane said he'd been hassling all the other groups he yelled things at Johnny Thunders, you sucked with the Dolls and you still suck.

Speaker B:

I cannot do his rocks accent, but trust me, he's a very heavy rock sext.

Speaker B:

And I also cannot do Jane's Southern accent.

Speaker B:

She's from Georgia, so she is a very deep Southern accent.

Speaker B:

I cannot do either of theirs, but I will probably try horribly, and it'll be hilarious.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So he was talking about the New York Dolls, and he's like.

Speaker B:

And with the Talking Heads, the little girl that played bass, he starts yelling her, hey, chick, you can't play the guitar.

Speaker B:

You're just an idiot.

Speaker B:

She also said that he'd been calling Debbie Harry names night before.

Speaker B:

So how things went that night, according to Jade, while performing, she heard someone in the audience yelling, ah, you idiot.

Speaker B:

The heckling continued.

Speaker B:

Jane responded, who the is that?

Speaker B:

Why didn't you come up here and say it?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And up came Handsome Dick Manitoba, who jumped on stage, spit in her face, threw ice and called her an idiot.

Speaker B:

He had a beer mug in his hand and she was afraid that she might get hit with it.

Speaker B:

So she took the microphone stand and started swinging while warning, you better get off the stage and leave me alone or you're going to get it.

Speaker B:

You're an idiot.

Speaker B:

You're ugly.

Speaker B:

You can't get laid.

Speaker B:

So you come to CBGB's to hassle new York bands to get your rocks off.

Speaker B:

Which is a weird thing to say because being from the Bronx is kind of like his thing.

Speaker B:

So it's.

Speaker B:

But anyways, so then she hit him in the arm with the mic stand.

Speaker B:

And then she turned.

Speaker B:

Then he turned around and she hit him in the collarbone.

Speaker B:

And that broke his collarbone.

Speaker B:

Then he hit her in the chest.

Speaker B:

Yeah, then he hit her in the chest with the beer mug.

Speaker B:

So, like, this is the last mug.

Speaker B:

This is the 70s.

Speaker B:

So he pops punches her in the chest with the beer mug.

Speaker B:

Then she.

Speaker B:

Yeah, then she hit him in the back of the head.

Speaker B:

Then they wrestled.

Speaker B:

Then they fought on the floor while people chanted, finish him off, Wayne.

Speaker B:

Kill him again.

Speaker B:

This is according to Jean until Jane was pulled off.

Speaker B:

Manitoba was in tackle by the bass player and they fell into the tables.

Speaker B:

The band started playing Rock and Roll Resurrection and Jane continue playing covered in blood while Dick was taken to the hospital.

Speaker A:

That's very rock epic, right?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Also according to Jay, the fight was premeditated, as she had heard Manitoba told Danny Fields before it happened that he was going to go up on stage and smash that.

Speaker B:

So that's James D.

Speaker B:

Story, how things went, according To Handsome Dick Richard Manito.

Speaker B:

He was going to the bathroom and it was real crowded.

Speaker B:

So he stepped up on the stage to get around people to the stairs.

Speaker B:

So like, to get to the bat, like CVs is a small place or what, sir.

Speaker B:

So the stage is like right next to the hallway sl stairs that you have to go down to get to the bathroom.

Speaker B:

So if it's really crowded, people are up on those, like, stairs.

Speaker B:

I go.

Speaker B:

And you would like.

Speaker B:

So you've like kind of walk around people on stage sometimes to get down.

Speaker B:

That's just rock and roll.

Speaker A:

So small club shit.

Speaker B:

Small club shit.

Speaker B:

So he stepped up on the stage to get around the people, turned around, realized he was right next to Jane, and asked if she wanted to see his spit trick, which was when he let his saliva get really thick and drip down a foot and a half.

Speaker B:

And then he would suck it back up into his mouth like junior high.

Speaker A:

Boys do or elementary school boys.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So then Jane started screaming at him to get off my stage, you idiot.

Speaker B:

Ugly bastard.

Speaker B:

Manitoba says he didn't respond.

Speaker B:

So Jane said, what are you, a frustrated little.

Speaker B:

What are you, a idiot or an idiot?

Speaker B:

Which made did Matt, Dick.

Speaker B:

Dick mad, who said, you, you idiot.

Speaker B:

You, you idiot.

Speaker B:

Then he got smashed with a stand.

Speaker B:

When Susan Whiteall told.

Speaker B:

Told Dick that Jane said he spit and spit in her face, he said, I didn't spit at him.

Speaker B:

Jane was still living under the name Weight at this time, so he wasn't being levered.

Speaker B:

So maybe they heard me say I was going to do my spit trick.

Speaker B:

I ain't a really violent person.

Speaker B:

So I had no intention of violence.

Speaker B:

Even if I had spat at him, which I didn't.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That's no reason to smash someone over the head with a microphone stand.

Speaker B:

I should have been thrown out or assisted out by the bouncers.

Speaker A:

Then he was out by the bouncer.

Speaker B:

Assisted out by the bouncers.

Speaker B:

Then he went on to say that he did not attack Jane because they were homosexual, but maybe that he was attacked because he was fat.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So that's Dick's version of the story.

Speaker B:

So after the fight.

Speaker B:

After the fight, days went by.

Speaker B:

Jane, fearing that she was going to get arrested, cut her hair short, dyed it black, got a glue on beard, a dark army jacket and sunglasses, and went to her DJ gig at Max's dressed like that.

Speaker B:

And so everyone was like, is that Jane?

Speaker B:

And they're like, no, that's a hippie we hired.

Speaker B:

I know.

Speaker B:

So finally she was arrested and she was taken into the Tombs dressed like that.

Speaker B:

She was.

Speaker B:

But she was immediately put into protected custody with another queen.

Speaker B:

They were like, oh, oh, no, you can't be with them.

Speaker B:

So she at least was, like, safe.

Speaker B:

She was released the next night with.

Speaker B:

With assault charges hanging over her head.

Speaker B:

She gathered her defense and her witnesses over the next few months, including fucking David Johansson was going to testify for her.

Speaker B:

Like, what the fuck?

Speaker B:

So then Maxes, like, had a benefit for her legal defense.

Speaker B:

And the people who played, oh, my God, this is epic.

Speaker B:

Blondie, Robert Gordon, the Ramones.

Speaker B:

Minus Joey, because he was friends with Dick Divine, Jackie Curtis, Holly Woodlawn, the New York Dolls, Mink deville, Talking Heads, and Richard Hell.

Speaker A:

So all those people took Jane's side instead of Dick's?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Except for one member of the.

Speaker B:

Except for Joe.

Speaker B:

Except for Joey Ramon.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So the charge.

Speaker A:

I don't know, how would you feel about that, like, if you were, like, on the other side, Like, I'm not saying.

Speaker B:

So this is what happened.

Speaker A:

So let me.

Speaker B:

Let me go through this and then we can talk about the.

Speaker A:

What's good.

Speaker B:

So the charges, though, were dropped because Dick failed to show up for court three times.

Speaker B:

Then people in the New York scene, though, they really did, like, they were behind, like, the, like, Dick dictators were essentially kind of blacklisted from CBs for a little bit.

Speaker B:

They just wouldn't play at other places.

Speaker B:

And they actually were still pretty popular.

Speaker B:

They got a lot of publicity from this.

Speaker B:

So, like, then an album come out.

Speaker B:

So, like, while, like, you got a lot of shit in New York, like, they still, like, got some things out of it.

Speaker B:

And I do believe they made that the two of them probably buried the hatchet.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So I'm not.

Speaker B:

I did not verify if that actually occurred, but that was supposed to happen, so.

Speaker B:

And also, like, they're.

Speaker B:

They're rock and roll people.

Speaker B:

They're like, I did like, dick's not an ass.

Speaker B:

Dick's an but.

Speaker B:

An is an but.

Speaker B:

Anyways, yeah, I just, like.

Speaker A:

I'm like.

Speaker A:

I was like, oh, if somebody, like, was in trouble because of something with me and they were able to put on a benefit with all of those bands, I'd be like, I don't know.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:

Just like, this is the people who are behind them, like, with the Talking Head to the New York Dolls.

Speaker B:

And I give Joey Ramone.

Speaker A:

I suck Johnny.

Speaker B:

Like a Joey.

Speaker A:

That's just fun.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That's what I was cracking up.

Speaker A:

And I'm like, damn.

Speaker A:

I'm like.

Speaker A:

I'm like, maybe I wasn't in the wrong.

Speaker A:

Like, I don't know.

Speaker B:

But I mean, the thing is, like, it sounds like neither leg.

Speaker B:

Probably both of them were just.

Speaker B:

Well, I don't know.

Speaker B:

It sounds like Dick was.

Speaker A:

They were all real up like he was.

Speaker B:

But yeah, he was heckling and like, likely, like, it sounds like, you know, test of time will, you know, like, I wasn't there.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So these are all people's drunk recollections of, like, how this went down.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And that's pretty much what every bar fight has ever been.

Speaker B:

Like, it's just someone's.

Speaker B:

Until now that we have video of this.

Speaker B:

Like, there is no.

Speaker B:

Yeah, this was today.

Speaker B:

Like, you could go on YouTube and go see what this fight was, but we'll never know.

Speaker A:

Tick tock.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

All we will have if it wasn't for Susan Whitel's, like, writing like, she was an amazing.

Speaker B:

By the rock and roll journalist and editor for Cream, but the fact that she got these interviews with them, like, I think is amazing.

Speaker B:

It was supposedly, like in the Village Voice too, but I couldn't find that article.

Speaker B:

Article in there.

Speaker A:

But wild.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And yeah, I will send you the article from Kareem that has the pictures that I forgot.

Speaker B:

Like, so.

Speaker B:

And I.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

If I would say for you guys, for shits and giggles, I would go look at pictures of Dick Manitoba in the 70s and Dick Manitoba now.

Speaker B:

And it's.

Speaker B:

It's a.

Speaker B:

He had.

Speaker B:

He had a lot of hair.

Speaker B:

He had a lot of hair in the 70s, I'm just saying.

Speaker B:

And now he decided he's an old man.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Sorry, Dick, I didn't even call your own name.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So that is the story of.

Speaker A:

That's hilarious.

Speaker B:

That is our lore of cvs.

Speaker B:

I was.

Speaker B:

I was hoping to find a good ghost story.

Speaker B:

I will say, like, with my last nights, and I was like, at the downstairs bar, this butterfly, like, floated in and sat on my beard.

Speaker B:

It was like it was gonna be my last beers that I had there.

Speaker B:

And I was just like, oh, that's so sweet.

Speaker A:

That's the sign of a spirit, isn't it?

Speaker B:

I think so, yeah.

Speaker B:

So I couldn't find any stories of ghosts or hauntings.

Speaker B:

And I'm surprised.

Speaker B:

Like, I mean, like, as far as I know, nobody died there.

Speaker B:

There is just like a lot of rat in dog because Hella used to let his dog run around a lot.

Speaker B:

But, yeah, there's lots.

Speaker B:

There's lots of stories, but I couldn't find any ghost stories, but interesting.

Speaker B:

All right, so Gene's story, though, was that he was underage.

Speaker B:

He snuck in, watched a band.

Speaker B:

They got like punk rockers, got him shit face.

Speaker B:

And then John Winchester came in and.

Speaker A:

Possibly drugged him because we alluded to this.

Speaker A:

He might have gotten dosed.

Speaker B:

Well, you know, and there are all these stories too.

Speaker B:

Like, about, like, especially the, like depending on what year it was.

Speaker B:

Like, you didn't really want to drink a lot of the draft stuff at cvs.

Speaker B:

Like you just wanted your drinks and bottles and.

Speaker B:

And so people.

Speaker B:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker B:

It also was like, hard to do kegs there because of the.

Speaker B:

The thing is.

Speaker B:

But anyways, yeah, so he got drugged or drunk or something and then, like, they all got scared of John Winchester and Dean got hauled out.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And anyways, so Castiel does his shot and basically they all realized that John saved Dean in this moment because he was a kid and he had just gotten drugged, drunk or drugged or whatever at this, you know, this club by himself in the big city, which is probably not in the Bowery, which at.

Speaker B:

This time, the Valerie was not that great of a neighborhood.

Speaker B:

It wasn't that bad.

Speaker B:

And honestly, like, we would.

Speaker B:

No one was back then.

Speaker B:

Nobody was.

Speaker B:

You wouldn't gotten rolled, Dean.

Speaker B:

They would have taken care of you.

Speaker B:

They were probably just thinking it was really fun to get this kid.

Speaker B:

This kid shitty.

Speaker B:

But yeah, they all, like.

Speaker B:

They all drink to John freaking Winchester for not being his job.

Speaker B:

Not being.

Speaker B:

Was not his job to be liked, but it was his job to raise you, right?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And Cass.

Speaker A:

Cass is asking, like, look, is Claire actually in trouble?

Speaker A:

And Dean's like, she's hanging out with a guy named Randy.

Speaker A:

She's definitely in trouble.

Speaker B:

Definitely sorry for the Randy's sorry for the Randy, but he's not wrong.

Speaker B:

He's not wrong.

Speaker B:

Nothing good comes up with hanging out with.

Speaker B:

With especially people who look like this Randy.

Speaker B:

So they.

Speaker B:

We got back to Randy's house, and there Claire comes in to find Randy.

Speaker A:

Tied up with four dudes standing around.

Speaker A:

And she does not have the money.

Speaker A:

And he is bummed.

Speaker A:

And there's like this one, the main guy, Salinger Salager, and he licks his lips when he looks at her.

Speaker A:

And so we know that he is super.

Speaker B:

They're all gross.

Speaker B:

They're all gross.

Speaker B:

I hate everybody in this house.

Speaker A:

We're gross.

Speaker A:

And so she tries to pull the gun.

Speaker A:

And he's like, makes fun of it, but he also does accurately Call Randy a pile of crap.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So she spits in Salinger's face because she's not a complete dumb.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And they.

Speaker A:

One of the henchmen takes her away.

Speaker B:

Yeah, henchman's a good word for that.

Speaker B:

And Salinger says he married the last girl who spit in his face.

Speaker B:

And then we found out the real reason Randy's in debt.

Speaker A:

The ponies.

Speaker B:

I mean, I like ponies, too.

Speaker B:

I mean, I would, like.

Speaker B:

If you're like, lives by $5,000 in tiny ponies.

Speaker B:

Would you be surprised?

Speaker A:

Absolutely not.

Speaker A:

I'm also like, I don't want to assume or presume or insult anybody's financial situation, but it seems like a lot of going on for five GS.

Speaker B:

I mean, it was early:

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

$5,000 in today's money.

Speaker B:

But, you know, it's.

Speaker B:

You know, It's.

Speaker A:

It's not 20,000.

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker B:

It seems like a lot of money to be practically killing somebody over.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That's a lot of muscle for $5,000.

Speaker B:

I feel like $5,000 is like a one muscle person.

Speaker A:

Like you said, that's bust and break.

Speaker B:

It and like break your fingers.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Like, not.

Speaker A:

Not murder you.

Speaker B:

Not buy your daughter or your, you know, like.

Speaker B:

Like, I feel like that's an excessive amount for a teenage girl.

Speaker B:

That was my issue.

Speaker A:

I mean, but also Salinger and Rusty Randy, and they're both sketchy as, so who knows?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So, yeah, because Salinger was gonna wipe away all of Randy's debt in exchange for Claire.

Speaker A:

And Randy, like, acts like she's.

Speaker A:

He's not gonna do it, but he's definitely going to because he's a piece of.

Speaker B:

No worse case.

Speaker B:

He's gross.

Speaker A:

So we cut back to hell, where Gerald and Crowley are putting Rowena back in the dungeon.

Speaker A:

And she's trying to fight and she's like, look, I know that Gerald is the one smuggling souls up to earth from hell.

Speaker A:

And this other demon chicks, like, fuck, yeah, that.

Speaker A:

That's the guy.

Speaker A:

So Gerald is about to kill Rowena because he is pissed.

Speaker A:

He's like, what the fuck?

Speaker A:

I didn't do this.

Speaker A:

And he will not stop.

Speaker A:

So Crowley fucking kills Gerald.

Speaker B:

He stabs him in the head.

Speaker B:

And now we've lost Gerald.

Speaker B:

And I like Gerald.

Speaker B:

I think Gerald should just had a better boss, you know?

Speaker B:

Like, I think he could have been a real go getter if he just, like, worked in a different department.

Speaker B:

I just.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So Gerald is gone, and Crowley's gonna let Rowena out.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And as he's letting her out, the other demon chicks like, hey, Rowena, we made a deal for me to lie so you could get out.

Speaker A:

And so Rowena lies back to her and says, I'll be back.

Speaker B:

I'll be back in a flash.

Speaker B:

Which is what she said to Fergus when she left him as an 8 year old boy and never came back.

Speaker A:

So Gerald really wasn't doing that.

Speaker A:

Gerald's still kind of creepy.

Speaker B:

I mean, he's a demon, though.

Speaker B:

I mean, his mom put.

Speaker B:

His mom burned him with cigarettes.

Speaker B:

He had issues.

Speaker B:

So we cut from there and we go back to Randy's.

Speaker B:

And he just tried.

Speaker B:

I mean, he put a lot of effort in, you know?

Speaker B:

I mean, he.

Speaker B:

At least Gerald tried, I guess.

Speaker A:

Well, in Claire's bedroom, Salinger enters and locks the door.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And he touches her face.

Speaker A:

And so she kicks him in the balls and tries to escape.

Speaker A:

Because she's a smart girl and sometimes street smart girl.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

But she and the boys, like, come in down the front and Cass is smiting away while the boys are pulling guns.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And they're gonna try to find.

Speaker A:

They hear the commotion.

Speaker A:

So Cassiel goes and blasts away the door and finds creepy ass Salinger on top of Claire with his hand on her throat.

Speaker A:

And this.

Speaker A:

But this startles him enough that she's able to, like, kick him off of her.

Speaker A:

And then she just starts kicking the.

Speaker A:

Out of him.

Speaker B:

Good for Claire.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Good job, Claire.

Speaker A:

And Cassio kind of finally pulls her away.

Speaker A:

And they go outside.

Speaker A:

And as Sam and Dean are also leaving, Dean hesitates because he's like, ah, you guys, don't.

Speaker A:

Don't move.

Speaker A:

And, like, it's all, like, trying to make sure that the henchmen don't come after them.

Speaker A:

But that ends up with him alone in the house with the henchmen.

Speaker A:

And Salinger has recovered enough that he can sneak up and break a bottle on Dean's head.

Speaker A:

That's just all Dean needed to set him off.

Speaker A:

As everybody else gets in the car, Dean gets a full mark flashback.

Speaker A:

And as he gets kicked in the head, things go black.

Speaker A:

And Sam all of a sudden realizes Dean is missing.

Speaker A:

What the.

Speaker A:

You just noticed y'all are all in the car.

Speaker A:

You just noticed the driver's not there, but okay.

Speaker A:

And he hears all the commotion in the house.

Speaker A:

And we go into slow mo.

Speaker A:

We get slow motion.

Speaker A:

Sam running towards the house to get to Dean.

Speaker A:

And everybody dead except for Dean.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Including Randy.

Speaker B:

So Randy's throat's been slit.

Speaker B:

Like, it's like everyone's massive massacre turn.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And we are getting a little bit of a flash between this scene and the dream sequence, which they're not identical, but there are similarities.

Speaker A:

We're getting a flash between those two for Dean and.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And then for some reason, Castiel and Claire follow Sam inside the house.

Speaker A:

This is terrible idea because obviously it's a mess.

Speaker A:

And she screams.

Speaker A:

So Dean is just kind of, like, in shock, I guess.

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

And so Sam runs over and he's like, just tell me you had to do it.

Speaker A:

Tell me it was a you or them situation.

Speaker A:

Just tell me that.

Speaker A:

And Dean does not answer.

Speaker B:

No, he says, I didn't mean to.

Speaker B:

And like, it says in such a sad voice.

Speaker B:

And like, he's so, like, it's so sad.

Speaker B:

And Sam is sad and everyone's sad and, like, disturbed and just like, ah, yeah.

Speaker A:

Very gross.

Speaker B:

That's how it is.

Speaker A:

And yeah, I don't like it.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:

You want to talk about some actors?

Speaker A:

Yeah, let's talk about some people.

Speaker C:

Casting couch.

Speaker C:

It's the casting couch.

Speaker C:

What the.

Speaker C:

On that show, that time with that guy.

Speaker A:

How about that?

Speaker A:

Okay, so one of our goons was played by Jason William Day.

Speaker A:

He's actually done a ton of stunt work from Van Helsing.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Snowpiercer, Peacemaker, Last of Us, and Predator.

Speaker A:

He's been episodes of Flash, Fargo, Lucifer, van Helsing, Travelers, iZombie, Arrow, Batwoman, Charmed, Riverdale, and Kung Fu.

Speaker A:

He was also a soldier in Deadpool and Father Camera in Long Legs, which came out recently, are the security admin guy was Ronald Patrick Thompson.

Speaker A:

He's been in episodes of Fringe, Arrow, Flash, iZombie, Traveler, Siren, Magicians, Supergirl, and a lot of Hallmark movies.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Interestingly, most of his credits are special effects makeup and lab crew.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Thomas Newman.

Speaker A:

So just kind of an interesting.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Not very many acting credits, mostly on the makeup, special effects, makeup teams.

Speaker A:

Dustin was played by Jake Guy.

Speaker A:

He's been episodes of izombie and good Dr.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Our admin at the Child prison was played by Jennifer Copping, and she's been in episodes of 21, Jump Street, JAG, Painkiller, J.

Speaker A:

Jane, Fargo, I, Zombie, Van Helsing, Bates Motel, Travelers, Riverdale, and was Margaret in the movie Slither.

Speaker A:

Randy was played by Rourke Critchlow.

Speaker A:

He's been in episodes of 21 Jump Street, Friends, Charmed, Entourage, Drake & Josh, CSI Miami, The Mentalist, NCIS, Arrow, and Unreal.

Speaker A:

He was William in the movie Mr.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

He was.

Speaker A:

He's Done a bunch of hallmark.

Speaker A:

He was A.D.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

He was Paul Kenlitz in the V.

Speaker A:

The series.

Speaker A:

The miniseries.

Speaker A:

Who was Tom in Pretty Little Liars as a reoccurring character.

Speaker A:

And his longest running role was Dr.

Speaker A:

Mike Horton in Days of Our Lives.

Speaker A:

Over 600 episodes.

Speaker A:

Episodes and a lot.

Speaker B:

So that's a very big role.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's a lot.

Speaker A:

And then the one and only Claire Novak, played by Katherine Newton, who we will see again.

Speaker A:

She's been in episodes of Mad Men and Hacks.

Speaker A:

She was Chase in Bad Teacher.

Speaker A:

Alex in Paranormal Activity 4.

Speaker A:

Darlene in Ladybird.

Speaker A:

I Ivy in Pokemon, Detective Pikachu, Ally in the Society the series.

Speaker A:

She's been that about 10 episodes.

Speaker A:

Abigail and Big Little Lies about 14 times.

Speaker A:

Cassie in Ant man and the Wasp.

Speaker A:

Quantumania, big film.

Speaker A:

And most recently, Lisa in Lisa Frankenstein.

Speaker B:

Oh, so getting it.

Speaker A:

So good.

Speaker A:

That was fun.

Speaker A:

As soon as she came on, I'm like, wait a minute, I know who that is.

Speaker A:

Anyways, because I saw.

Speaker A:

I mean, it's the thing.

Speaker A:

I've seen her in that most recently.

Speaker A:

So there we go.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

What do you.

Speaker A:

What I said, my comment to you immediately was it was a weird episode.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It is weird.

Speaker B:

I mean, there's no monster.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And that's what's weird.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

There's no monster.

Speaker A:

But is the monster.

Speaker A:

Their feelings?

Speaker A:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

Like, it's.

Speaker B:

I mean, their choices.

Speaker B:

It's Dean too, right?

Speaker A:

It's Dean, the monster who.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of things to think about there.

Speaker B:

But we also get Claire no back.

Speaker B:

So we.

Speaker B:

We get Claire brought in.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's pretty.

Speaker A:

That's an interesting storyline.

Speaker A:

I just feel really bad for.

Speaker A:

It's a sad ass storyline, but.

Speaker B:

No, it's a sad ass storyline.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

She's not had a good life.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

All because of an angel, which makes it all the more up.

Speaker A:

And it goes back to the angels are dicks and it's very like, confusing.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Yeah, There we go.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker B:

Anything else?

Speaker A:

Nope, that's all I got.

Speaker A:

All right, on that note then.

Speaker A:

Cheers, Jake.

Speaker A:

Cheers, bitch.

Speaker A:

Devil's Trap podcast is a don't get it production.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Devil's Trap podcast is part of the Ship It Studio podcast network.

Speaker C:

Thanks for listening to this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast.

Speaker C:

You can follow us on Instagram at Devilstrap podcast, Twitter DEVilstrap Pod or you can email us at DEVilstrapilstrappodcast.com don't forget to subscribe, leave reviews and share with all your friends.

Speaker C:

We're at all your favorite podcast outlets.

Speaker C:

And@devilstrappodcast.com I'm Babe.

Speaker C:

Thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next time.

Speaker A:

Going up to the spirit in the skies that's where I'm gonna go when I die When I die and they lay me to rest I'm gonna go to the place that.

Speaker B:


Show artwork for Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast

About the Podcast

Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast
A Supernatural fan show where longtime fan Liz “trapped” Diana, into watching for the first time. Come along for a spoiler free watch with crafty urban fantasy enthusiasts.
We're going back to the beginning of the road and watching Supernatural from the beginning. For your host Liz, it's probably her fifth time through. For your other host Diana, it's her first. She claims she was scared. Naturally as a supportive friend, Liz will attempt to exploit this fear as much as possible. We also dive into the spooky spook in the show in whatever way we want - occult, folklore, true crime, shopping, GAME SHOWS?

Watch the videos on you tube @devilstrappodcast
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About your hosts

Elizabeth Waddell

Profile picture for Elizabeth Waddell
Liz, the maker of the Lore is a ne'er-do-well Texan, you can find her in the spooky places.

Diana Cox

Profile picture for Diana Cox
Diana is watching Supernatural for the first time and loving every minute. Diana lives in Dallas, TX and spends her time seeing/making music, going to car shows, drinking, and caring for 2 large dogs (+ the husband/Babe).